@miscalculation2 I was referring to the grammar used, that is just a hellish translation right there: "I shall to support you with all my power..." Does that seem correct to you or does it seem that something unnecessary is added? I'm not a native English-speaker, but if that first bubble seemed horrible to me, then I don't even want to think about how a native English-speaker would feel...
Hence why I skipped reading the chapter, if you make such a blatant mistake in the first bubble then I can't expect anything good in the rest.
That said I will give them the benefit of the doubt, since they were one of the original teams translating this hoping things will improve, although back then Chicken scans was the translator and they did everything else I think and now Chicken is not there as I see, so probably that's why the translation quality dropped, I don't know, but hope it will be better next time.