Anna is a nice character now but sadly she becomes a total Mary Sue later on, i'm only at ch 220 (out of like 1400) and
she's already super OP with no weaknesses, has lvld up her magical powers twice while most witches hasn't even done it once, smarter than any other witch and even the MC and of course he's just so madly in love with her he ignores all other witches (who are better and more interesting)
Yea the novel is interesting to a degree in the whole story and invention aspect but falls flat on the love part imo. I am further than ya and I will say it doesn't get any better. Anna still Mary sue and is only there to move plot forward and feels like she barely interacts with the MC in a loving way other than when it is forced and it is not as interesting as when he talks to Nightingale or others. I get the whole first love thing for Anna since he saved her but how it pans out it just seems forced that they are lovers rather than the MC being more so a savior due to how little dialogue is shared between both for a love to blossom. Hell the Jap novels make a big deal on relationships but at least you get development on it but these 2 skipped over all that shit then declared themselves a couple but still rarely ever talk.
@monkey123 iron axe close ranged shot it down with flintlock iirc
and the reason why he gotta go in close range to shot it down even flintrock not shotgun i don't know the reason behind this