Anime was cancelled by novel publisher. It looks like Japanese studio animation to me, Chinese animes excel in static scenes and quality of motion is really high here.
Don't usually time it. I was thinking it took about the time to eat 6 bananas at a comfortable pace to boil each, but looks like it is closer to 10 bananas each. So, ~120 bananas assuming no satiation or close to 340 bananas at an uncomfortable pace for cutting 5714 bananas squared of lawn.
I dont know how you distinguish between Chinese and Japanese studios but a quick look up(name is LITERALLY in the comment) clearly shows you that it's a Chinese studio. Also shows like King's Avatar exist so I dont know why you are trying to downplay chinese animation. Granted, a lot of chinese animations do suck ass but that was a pretty shallow way to judge something dont you think?
Incase you were curious. The company that animated this was Thundray who are located in Shanghai. Seems like they mostly do outsourcing work in japanese anime.