That's assuming a lot. It also comes across as quite delusional that you think that every autistic person lives some life of mediocrity and lacklustre achievements or unfulfilled ambitions, or something like that.
I dunno where you get that idea and honestly how do you reason with such an ungrounded person I have no idea. Also the censoring was because I believe in civility to an extent which is why I've explained all this instead of dismissing you by saying you have no clue what you're talking about but you're in too deep to pull out and soil the bedspread now. Also cursing at people lessens your persuasiveness as all it does it get them on the defensive.
Either way, if proton isnt a plug and play (which, it is not by anyone's standards. Even the biggest games do not run as advertised for everyone if bug reports are to be believed) then its demonstrably a step down and until it's not, it won't ever be successful, just a pet project. Being honest, if AAA games don't all work at least somewhat then what hope does it have as a serious platform? None, is the answer.
A note on exclusivity, publishers are driven to make money and if their own distribution service pulls in more money than steam then there has to be incentives to use their service instead of the competition. The more these companies compete, the better off we are, as the consumers. I would love it if all games were released on all platforms with no intentions in mind other than making the best game they can but that's not the world we live in, so you're a dumb dumb.