Really you'll see this manga how this is a prominent theme.
"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." If you're so good at something and you stick out, people start disliking it and becoming envious and jealous of you so you're stuck with either being alienated or forced into conformity. It's literally one of the worst aspects in Japanese culture, especially their work culture because they're so used to being a community, a hivemind that they don't like it if someone sticks out from it. Like I said, a lot of characters already face this problem, namely Honoka in this chapter, Chizuru who's so smart but has no friends, and even Kaizaki when you saw his past in the previous chapters that got him into that position. Of course there's a lot of other characters but they're not addressed yet so I'm not spoiling it
But you'll see how this phrase is like one of the central themes in this storytelling since it's literally tackling the ugly side of Japanese culture.