Remarried Empress - Ch. 43

Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Does Trashta's second child ever come out public to be used against her, that would be hilarious especially if it's after or during her wedding to the emporer
Mar 24, 2020
Reading the comments I'm glad I read the novel. The english translation of the novel gets to the point of when they divorce. Just a reminder to everyone that Navier loves being Empress its who she is, she said it herself, so the divorce will have to happen because of the trash emperor wants it. So things will get a lot worse before they get better. Just hold on lol
Apr 29, 2020
@blazing_daze this is precisely why throughout history societies have often tried to groom their women into being passive, docile, and ignorant if possible. Women who seize agency tend to be portrayed as "villainous" because of how dangerous and destabilizing to the societal order of those times it would become if more women stated acting like that. If Rashta actually had some brains to go with her looks she'd definitely be a much more interesting character. And she'd also be a hell of a lot more dangerous.

Navier fortunately seems a lot more mentally competent than Rashta. She just needs to break out of her societally enforced shackles of passivity. She's been groomed her entire life to become empress and part of that was being groomed to accept the fact that her emperor would likely take concubines. She needs to break through a lifetimes worth of conditioning. Sovieshit's disregard for etiquette and traditional conventions in regards to the relationship between empresses and concubines is probably actually a good thing on that front.

If he wasn't so egregious about flouting tradition and convention it's likely she'd end up passively accepting the situation for the rest of her life.
Jan 26, 2020
@Aragonius42 bravo. You are so right. Men were so afraid to have another competitor in the battle for power than they categorize women as the inferior, mentally challenged, and evil BUT PURE if no man touch her... it is such a contradiction cuz they wanted a seductress to tie them down, to be good in bed, to flirt with others but knowing that they are the onoy one they will go for, a maiden, and a smart one to arouse them mentally.

This sy reason why courtesan were very popular and in demand as well as for the minority who desired a male courtesan cuz they wanted all that but still have power in society by saying that group is a sinner but sure they enjoyed them so well in bed and in parties.

They brainwashed women to the point that even women went against other women. Making them competitors between one another while they enjoyed the untainted and lustful fruits.

The prince, now king, is one of the minority of men, that showed the desire to have an equality. I want those villains of Souris and trasha go get what they deserved. It is unbelievable on how a man or a woman who is given everything that everyone would want still desire other thing and spit on what they have. So true is the phrase, men desire never ends and will never satisfy until it doom it all. The emperor is an example of that.
Jul 17, 2020
I hope all these Trashta sympathizers haven't read the novel.

Yeah she was a slave and escaping and finding a new place in life was her hustle, but there were definitely avenues that she could have taken that did not clash with Navier's. Her circumstances only carry her accountability to what unfolds only as far as her becoming a concubine. That's where she should have stayed. Everything afterwards is because SHE IS TRASH AND A SHITTY PERSON. If we're all gonna go after Sovieshit, Trash gets it too. She doesn't get a pass just because she's "had it hard." They're two kind of selfish, greedy people who become even more greedy and toxic when they're together.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
Three things happen between now and the incident we saw in chapter 1
Navier's brother having trumped up charges levied on him and getting exiled, sovietshoe pretending to kill the blue bird that has been showing up (he didn't, but it was a severely dick move) and finally, sovietshoe wants to divorce navier (he claims temporarily, but by this point navier has had enough) and comes to regret that decision pretty much within 5 seconds after the divorce.

I've read the spoilers and such, and i still have some sympathy for her
especially her death, she only saw people being used or using others, and in the end she dies a pathetic and sad death, she deserves to pay for what she did but considering the real villain sovietshoe more or less get's away with his (though loses navier), leaves a bad taste in my mouth, rashta deserved to pay for her crimes but i can't help but feel sorry for someone who literally didn't know any better, probably why the author gave her a "hope shot" wish at the end.
Group Leader
Jul 27, 2018
@silkytea There are Trashta sympathizers??!!! I'm amazed and baffled. It doesn't even take 2 brain cells to know that Trashta is greedy and wishes to take everything that belongs to Navier. She is a manipulative, scheming two-faced crybaby and her hard past DOES NOT justify her actions.

Sure her past might EXPLAIN why she became that way, but that DOES NOT EXCUSE her behaviour because in trying to climb up the ranks, she's taking things away from a person who has done NOTHING wrong to her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
As someone who does have some sympathy for her (read above spoiler to silkytea), i do think she deserves to pay for her crimes, but again it's the overall picture that makes the picture kind of heartbreaking to me, she deserves all of her comeuppance but that still doesn't mean you can't feel sorry for her at the same time, since she literally didn't know any better, what really makes me angry is sovietshoe, like above.
Group Leader
Jul 27, 2018
@Tatsuya-Kai if all you're going to do is repeat the same points, don't bother making another comment and @ me. I've read yours, don't worry. My point still stands.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
YASSSSS 👏👏👏 @silkytea!!! SAY IT LOUDER FOR THR PEOPLE IN THE BACK ughhhh. Whyyy r there Trashta sympathizers? The world will never know lol.

Like seriously people, Trashta isn't a complete naive idiot; she grew up in a harsh environment so she knows the good & evils (what's right & wrong) of the world and she has chosen to be evil. She has enough brain cells to form this long con to try and take Navier's position, fully knowing good & well that Navier (a total innocent who's done nothing to her) will to have to live a shitty life afterwards. At this point, it's just karma 🤷‍♀️

Also thank you translator for another chapter!! <3
Sep 28, 2019
Y’all the official English version is free and actually gets money to the author. These new chapters are straight up lifts from their website.
Also trashta could have very easily avoided her fate by at any time asking soviet for help. She’s got no problems asking for help when she feels slighted by Navi. And soviet could have stopped it all by confronting her about it instead of just collecting all the evidence that she did wrong until her downfall.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 23, 2019
I didn't realise it before but... big bro is just a big angry edward elric, isn't he?
Group Leader
Oct 7, 2018
@karkina Hello! Nope, they're not at all lifts from the Webtoons which 1000% percent agree that everyone should support. I really do need to add more often to go on webtoons to support the artists. Webtoons is on episode 13 or 14 I think I'm on chapter 43 which I translate from Korean from the original site.
Apr 25, 2020
@Tatsuya-Kai Pardon me for my two cents but I don’t think because “she didn’t know any better” is cause to sympathize her for. Imho, there’s no justification in ignorance. That’s not to say that you can’t sympathize with her, because it’s your freedom to do so.

I, personally, can’t find a single reason that will let me feel an ounce of sympathy. I’m not going to deny her her tragic past, but that’s not enough of a reason to feel anything but disgust

Trashta obviously knows what social discrimination is, she’s not entirely ignorant. An empress can live a wealthy life because of her status (isn’t that why she’s trying to push out Navier?) while a slave lives in wretchedness. As a former slave, Trashta knows this more keenly than anyone else.
Getting out of a situation like that is supposed to be a success story, not a prelude to disaster. But instead of proactively creating an environment that could break free from that discrimination, she would rather stay trapped in this mindset that it’s okay to do the same thing to others as what has been done to herself. I’m not asking her to be benevolent, or a saint, but she doesn’t change for the better despite the many opportunities to do so. She’s avaricious, hypocritical, and a victim only to her own fabricated circumstances.

TL;DR I try my best to understand the person who’s in front of me rather than to judge them for their past. Trashta just isn’t a good person, that’s all there is to it.
Active member
Oct 22, 2020
I’ve never read the novel before, but so far I feel for all parties – Navier, Sovieshu and Rashta.

Navier and Sovieshu is the case whereby their marriage became the tomb of love. Their marriage was actually already on the verge of death even before Rashta entered the picture.

I feel that Navier has a part to play in this. Sovieshu is frustrated at her, and frustration at a loved one doesn’t come overnight. It is an accumulation of unhappiness.

Navier’s problem is that she is so focused on her role as Empress that she may not have been a good lover to Sovieshu. This is what kills marriages. Date nights no longer exist, conversations evolve around work and more work, and the passion is gone.

Sovieshu literally lost his best friend, lover and wife to the Empress. Rather than close and personal, their relationship feels formal and professional. And he had commented on that a few times before, on how talking to Navier feels like talking to a colleague.

That said, he did the dumbest things ever to salvage their marriage. He wanted Navier to react, to stop being icy and passive but passionate and active. What he’s done so far, I see it as him purposefully trying to rile her up into action. Unfortunately he doesn’t seem to actually understand Navier so it is backfiring real badly.

Rashta is a tool in Sovieshu’s game in this, which is why I find her to be a sympathetic character as well. Sovieshu clearly doesn’t actually care about her – his reaction to Rashta hanging out with men is a sharp contrast to how he reacted to Navier. His reaction to Navier’s interaction with other men is also a twisted product of the state of their marriage. In his eyes, she acted friendly to other guys but to him she’s like a chill ice queen.

I also suspect Sovieshu favours Rashta because her childlike behaviour, and their relationship, has a resemblance to what it used to be like between him and Navier.

Well, too bad, Sovieshu. You don’t get to salvage a marriage by being an a$$hat. Am now waiting for the divorce to happen so I can LOL.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
@NiveousKro Look at it this way, the situation is almost entirely Simperor's fault. Had he not behaved like an ass towards Navier, there wouldn't be as much of a conflict between two women. There wouldn't have been so many messes or a need for Trashta to escalate the hostility with the Empress. And he didn't really provide her enough support in terms of people, trying to offload that responsibility to Navier.

She is a slave and desperately fights with all she got, which isn't much. And her portrayal is a bit biased.
Sep 26, 2020
This point is really unrelated, because Navier is an Empress.
She isn’t a slave, commoner, or lower noble. The grooming you are talking about doesn’t apply to this situation because if you educate someone to be a ruler you aren’t complacent are dumb. If she was a puppet ruler this might make sense but Navier runs political meetings all on her own showing she is highly intelligent and she talks back about to the Emperor all the time. An Empress[, or just any group of people] that have political power to get other factions on their side weather it be other nations or other nobles are key factors to overthrowing governments. This is why Colonial America defeat the British Empire, they had foreign powers on their side. This is why foreign born Empress like Catarina of Russia took the throne from the native Heir. The list goes on and on as this has happened countless time through out history, the situation you are thinking of isn't what's shown in ~this~ story at all. Navier has the respect of both foreign powers and nobles a like but doesn’t use it ever. She isn't even confused or giving the Emperor the benefit of the doubt when he insults her. She clearly doesn’t have the mentality of a groomed wife that sits back and lets her husband doing everything. Her words don't match her actions.

In fact Queens and Empress in the society hated mistress and it was social acceptable. European Empress were *typical* the only class of woman that can get reparations for infidelity.[* Im not saying they could stop the cheating, I mean woman can take political power as a trade. another ex.) Empress Marie Terresa kept all political power from her husband. ]That what the terms whore/” homewreckers/etc are literally about ,these slurs that only blame woman for sexual deviants regardless of it’s the woman’s fault or not. So even in a historical social prospective she can do a lot and not get judged for it. There is a huge difference in the fact that men were allowed to cheat on their wives, and wives being silent about it. Just because the writer of this story is lazy, and only focus on the powerless parts of woman in the historical time doesn’t mean she is *this extreme level [points to this story]* powerless. Not to mention this story is written by a person, ergo they choose to only keep the worst parts in their writing.

Also people need to stop posting bloody spoilers, if you read the novel good for you don't ruin it for other people.

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