Remarried Empress

Nov 8, 2020
completely random but i want all the nobles and people serving under sovieshu to stage a coup and name navier the only empress that'd be pretty fun
Nov 12, 2018
I'll be honest. I'm surprised how much rastsa's baby daddy loves his kid. Like he's raising the child himself with love. Feel bad he has such a shitty situation.... but also not, honestly.... Idk of she & him fell for each other and he just threw her away because of his dad or what....
Aug 17, 2020
If you guys are deciding to drop/start/continue this series, please
Consider reading through my genuine thoughts regarding this series
, written below. As it can highly impact your situation before reading this cause i have even read the web novel for this series !(i rarely write a review but if i only means there is something really abnormal in the series either in a good or a bad way)

This series agitated me so much that i started to think twice before picking up any josei manhwa ...... I gave it a 8/10 but honestly it deserves a 7. WHY EXACTLY DID IT AGITATE ME?

The pacing is slow,The plot is weird,the bad char dont get karma or proper suffering the main Char doesnt get proper justice either and the biggest problem is it leaves a weird lasting effect on reader's mind im a leave a quick summary below for those intrigued with the ending of this whole series and plot

story starts with a empress(mc) and emperor from being Childhood friends to being married to each other due to political reasons ... The empress is always busy with work and duties so she is not able to always provide adequate love to her husband .The husband instead brings a slave concubine(villaines) to quench his thirst for love .Thus the emperor and concubine grow closer and she tries to distance the empress from emperor which she succeeds in,this agitates the empress and mc starts feeling bad and mistreated meanwhile she ends up making friends with prince of another country who later falls in love with her(can turn into a small bird). As this continues the concubine gets pregnant with the child of emperor(which is actually not emperor's child but her ex lover's lol ikr) and this greatly hurts mc so she does not treat the concubine nicely and her relationship with emperor detiorates as the emperor says the mc is infertile .later on The prince who fell in love becomes king so he ask mc to become his queen and marry him, the mc accepts because the emperor greatly neglects her and early on planned on divorcing her after getting divorced she immediatly marries the male lead. later emperor regrets because he thought after him divorcing her she would still stay with him bcz she was his childhood friend.He tries to meet mc after she gets remarried but she tells him its the his fault for not being loyal to her and insulting her and then on mc lives a happy life with the king (new husband) and births 2 children while at the end of story concubine dies to some disease (till then she raises her child with emperor) while the emperor always regrets divorcing the mc also forgot to add the concubine becomes empress after divorce the end (they all live a peacefull live till end of story just the concubine dies before the end) .

Btw what sucks is the mc becomes used because before getting remarried they had done snu snu many times and the king her lover Is always shadowed more than the emperor and there is no heroic deed done by the king that truly makes him worthy of the mc but she still marries him. Kinda sucks ( i have left out a lot of stuff in the summary cause its just the gist of story)
Sep 18, 2020
honestly idk why some ppl are mad at the pacing like ofc things happened so we can have info on the situation like the divorce ofc wasnt gonna happen in 20 chps or so :/. overall I really liked the novel and the manhwa too so for me mybe an 8/10 :)
Apr 13, 2020
Finally a chapter with just Heinley and Navier 🥺🥺🥺 I didnt have to see Trashta and Sovieshit 🙌🏻
May 6, 2019

i didnt know our Navier would easily accept Heinley. but im so happy 😭😭😭😭

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