Stripy maid. Or baker, works just as well.
Matching aprons is that great? That only counts of you own one each, rather than borrow.
I get the impression that he thinks she's cute. He's not wrong.
"As long as you want to keep eating my stuff, I'll be more than happy to make them for you."
Marriage proposal.
Didn't you see the bucket you used?
Jiggling is ASMR.
Not getting to ask things you're curious about is a great way to stifle learning ability.
Quarantine is about to end?
Not dead, just decked out in bed from covid.
If I'm remember correctly, this is the part where the government allowed people to go anywhere and make the pandemic wayyyyyy worse
That was my entire pandemic. The going anywhere part, not the getting worse part.
Just get married already honestly
Just need to sign the papers.
MC: does she like me? no there is no way she is just doing this because she is nice!!
He seems like his on his way getting it, though. Just a few chapters behind.