I switched from using magazine raws to scraping the chapter's digital version from the publisher.
It's a bit higher quality and/but doesn't have some of the stuff the magazine adds in like the [To be continued] and side notes.
I also made some changes to how I typeset, like not putting everything in caps, let me know if it's better/worse/same/whatever...
I don't mind the side notes and To Be Continued stuff not being there, and I think mixed case looks good. I do like this way a little bit better. I'd say just go with whichever style is going to make it easier for you as you continue doing the series.
And once again thanks for picking this up. It's a fun series and I really like reading it.
So the librarian girl is kind of innocent but also wants to mess mc’s relationship ? Well since she has marvelous boobs I’m okay with it as long as she doesn’t do evil shit
Thanks for the translation
It represents his indecision, logically he wants to take the safe choice, fly under the radar and not be seen. But ultimately he won’t be able to help himself, being drawn slowly and nervously but inextricably towards a vibrant life full of fulfillment, wonder and camaraderie.
Or he was still hungry and wanted to see a sexy Gyaru cook