Rengoku no Karma

Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I don't like this manga
It said suicide is wrong
I don't like it


Mar 30, 2020
@Wawawelon Christianity, Islam, buhddism, hinduism, jainism and wicca so plenty say suicide is a sin.
@HC217 How so? how is ending your life the same as ending another person's life? cuz i'm willing to bet you didn't ever felt this urge to get up and stab yourself. not like a joking way but a real way like deep down you know you want but you dont have the balls so you just end hating yourself forever and ever until you finally do it. But if your argument is saying WeLl tHiNk aBoUt tHe pEoPlE WhO CaRe aBoUt YoU then stfu since most people who kill themselve one dont have people who care about them since if they did they wouldn't want to kill theirselves and two who cares they want to kill themselves so what if someone is going to cry about it? killing yourself takes a lot of balls to do. If someone does it that means they have a good reason to. so yeah suicide and rape/murder/arson/etc are not he same dumbass.
Active member
Aug 11, 2018
I didn't like the first "arc" with the boy, but the one with the girl was quite touching tbh
Jun 11, 2018
I don't think people understand about why this manga been created. This manga has so many messages to all of us why suicide has so many pain after that incident happened. Suicide is not an answer to solve any problem but you (yourself) have to solve it. And also why suicide is a sin because god doesn't want you to hurt yourself.
Dec 17, 2020
@CTD you're really young aren't you? I think you need to find some maturity before trying to debate issues like suicide. Someone wanting to commit suicide is much more complex than just "they dont have anyone around them that love them and that's why they want to commit suicide". People commit suicide all the time even when they have a strong support system to depend on. Also saying "someone has the balls to off themselves because they have a good reason to". That's literally the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but your personal ideas and values on the subject are seriously incredibly toxic or just straight up dumb.
Oct 24, 2020
@CTD i dunno man. you dont own your body... it was gifted to you by your parents. lets not talk about what is a sin or not, but is it right to suicide when you dont even own your body? if you are in a lotta pain then think about those who are in a worse situation! for example those who live in liberia, who used to eat a heart of an infant before fighting a battle for courage, or those mothers who sell their bodies for a meagre amount of 10 cents after each customer. she is carrying god knows how many diseases and still works just to feed her toddler. how about those malnourished ones who have barely anything to eat? i dont know your situation but if those people who in a extreme situations such as these try to survive desperately then why cant you ? suicide as a last resort doesnt seem bad, but you might want to try everything you possible can do to avoid it before reaching that conclusion! if youre getting bullied in school then change your school! if your still getting bullied then chang yourself! go train martial arts, improve your social skills learn new thing and discover more about yourself. if you are extremely poor or in a desperate situation in which you cant change your school or soomething then endure it! endure it with the mindset of getting revenge in the future, endure and endure and endure. have patience, wait for your opportunity! well this is easy to say ( i know ) but is far more difficult to do. but it aint impossible man! nothing is impossible!!


Mar 30, 2020
@Ashlinsama im not saying u should kill urself if ur life is shitty no im saying if thats ur last resort and if doing so wont kill someone else like u kill urself but u have a baby. u cant do it, also wtf do u mean my body was GiFtEd by my parents. Did i ask to be born, no. I shouldnt be gratefull i'm alive. i would rather not exist than be alive in this world. since ur thrown into life without knowing if theres a god tha looks after you or if hes just some sort of sick fuck that likes watching people suffer. cuz theres people getting raped, tortured, having their children killed in front of them everyday and meanwhile the creator of this shitty universe is just kicking back and enjoying the show. so no my body is mine and i do whatever i want with it. And i want to make this clear : DONT KILL URSLEF JUST CUZ FOR EXMEPLE UR GIRLFRIEND BROKE UP WITH U OR UR PARENTS GROUNDED U. KILL URSELF AS A LAST FUCKING RESORT LIKE IF UR KIDNAPPED AND THE DUDE GONNA RAPE U TILL UR DEAD OR TORTURE U.
Oct 24, 2020
@CTD indeed now you make sense! kill yourself when youre being tortured or something sounds plausible😀. anyways how life for you now? for me im in my 12th grade and i fuc*ing messed up during quarantine (i read somewhere around 40000 chapters of manhuas and manhwas) so i gotta study huge amounts of stuff during these few months if i want to go to a decent college😭
Feb 21, 2021
I don't believe that suicide is a sin. I believe it's death due to sickness, the sickness of the mind. They need to be cured not to be treated like sinner.
Sep 23, 2020
@saintspace yes, i agree, suicide is wayy more complicated than just feeling like nobody loves you nor cares about you. Ive attempted suicide 7 times so far and i feel like absolute shit most of the time small things trigger me to feel this way it doesnt have to be bullying sometimes just small things people mention makes me go "i hate myself so much i wanna die". Because hot water keeps piling up, i cant help but get tired of holding it and spill it on the wrong person and i go "ah i wanna kill myself" suicide is different for everybody and thats what this manga shows. When i want to kill myself im in a state where i dont think about other people, i hate myself because i know im a coward and that im taking the easy way out. I do have people who care about me but it still doesnt help and it just feels bittersweet.
Sep 23, 2020
@CTD @ashlinsama @saintspace thanks for providing me a good arguement to read whilst being bored out of my mind cause i dont have anything better to do kek
That was a very interesting arguement tho 👍
I agree with some things you mentioned but then again i also disagree with some of them thanks again for your thoughts hahah
Apr 14, 2020
Huh it is trashy/edgy for sure but i didn’t think it was that bad
Also how is this not seinen?
Mar 14, 2019
It wasn't too bad to be honest. But I did initially think because of the cover that the story would be about the two of them eventually finding happiness. Which sort of happens I guess.
Oct 24, 2020
@AA_hon i dont know what you have been through and i wont say bullshit like im there for you i will neither try my best to help you cuz if you want to help some one then make sure to help them till the end and thats a rule of life im living with, but i could share some advice to you! well im only 18 now and i dont know a lot about life but i managed to go from the gloomy kid (who was popular among weirdos) to a popular guy who everyone knows, well i wont say that im at the top of the ladder but im friends with the worst and the best of people. well i do distance myself from the worst since the people you are around affect you the most. make friends with those who are a level higher than you (make sure that they arent at a point where you cant believe to reach) then pick their good trait, for eg if one of my friend is good with jokes, then observe him and learn how to joke ,if someone is good at roasting people, then observe him too, someones good with their sense of fashion? learn from hhim! good with studies? learn from him too. pinpoint each mistake you do and think about what you couldve done better. i strive for perfection so when i tried raising voice at someone i hated myself cuz i was pretty rude to him just cuz he irritated me so i think what could i have done? i couldve helped him out on stuff he didnt understand and that way hell stay quiet for a bit longer or i could just ignore him but he might go on talking tot he guitar teacher about how to do a particular strumming (we were in guitar class lmao and the maam was hot so i wanted to make a good impression😂). start reading novels if youre feeling like youre life is worthless, preferrably those with a strong lead. think about people who are worse off than you. people like those from liberia who sell their bodies for a piece of blood or those who eat human meat just ause there isnt anything else. think about those poor people who dont even have money to get into a decent school, those who get bullied worse than you but you know each of these people do not GIVE UP. THEY LIVE FOR ANOTHER DAY while some hoping that it might be better than previous day, others hoping to feed their children more decent food and those bullied kids, hoping to exact their revenge in the future. if you dont have a purpose then make one, it doesnt matter if you want to become a gangster a engineer or a doctor, what matter is that you do something that you like, who gives a damn about what other people think when you yourself dont care about your own life! bro start writing a diary too! i made one starting last month but only with the quotes that ill carry with me for a lifetime and some mistakes! if youre going to suicide? then stop and live your life for other people, thatll make you feel better! if you are working rn then spend that moeny feeding dogs or poor people ir plant trees or find more hobbies. if youre not earning then start with a part time job! well if youre dead then you cant read more manga too😂 make sure to pickup more stuff from other people tho and keep improving your level😂 life might be a shitty game but its a still game and games always have bugs and are hackable, tho hacks are just cheats to proceed faster, which youll have to discover on your own! PEACE OUT! btw how old are you?
Sep 23, 2020
@ashlinsama im 16 ^^ and i already do most of that but tbh, im currently suffering from identitiy crisis kek.
And i dont really like when ppl tell me to think about other people who are suffering more than i am because it exactly like you said they dont know what ive been through they dont know how much it hurt me and affected me they have no right to assume whos suffering the most and they also have no right to compare our misery, i envy their will to strive for the better to live, but im not like them. And i guess i dont really want to be. Its quite funny tbh. Well i want a pet, i dont really feel like i have a future, nor anything to look forward so close friends and relatives often decide on days to go out with me so i have something to look forward to atleast. It doesnt always help, somedays im tired but it helps to get a change of scenery and breathe in some fresh air.

Also as much as people ive met like to argue with me and say stuff like im too young and you havent experienced the real world or you havent seen shit yet. ive seen more than i should have and im suffering because of it, it makes me pissed of when ppl say stuff like that to me so sorry if i came off aggressive 😂

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