Rent-A-Girlfriend - Vol. 36 Ch. 321 - The Date And The Girlfriend

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
This was honestly a great series at one point. That it turned to shit really highlights the potential weakness of serialization. Write the whole story, get it edited, and produce something that isn't meandering and feeling like it's always going nowhere after continuing beyond the natural climax and what should have been ending 150 chapters ago.

Really enjoying LN adaptations of completed works now for this reason!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
11 Million Copies sold. Does that mean there's an undiscovered pile of R-A-GF awaiting a Berlin 1933 style book burning? (Insert You SOB, I'm in! Meme). 😂
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
Can't believe I missed hate-reading this only to get the recurring chapter of Kazuya overthinking shit only to have Chizura remind him that he could instead act like a normal person.

A movie is a terrible plan for a first date. You literally can't see each other and talk. Same for a play, even worse since it's her job so not a special occasion.

Worse, he's still putting her on pedestal when aside her looks, she's just a normal and chill girl. He knows this yet agonizes over not meeting the unrealistic standards he assumes for her out of sheer cuck nature.

Yaemori, put him out of his misery and steal his girl. Only yuri can save this trash
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
well , the names :

- rental girl-friend / mental illness girl-friend / dental girl-friend ( she brushed her teeth in 1 whole chapter , lol ) .

- main b!tch / chizuru / chorizo the sausage / schizo-ru ( schizophrenia ) / " the goddess-sama " .


and this chapter 321 is so boring .

thank you , scanlators , for your sufferings with this manga .
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Apr 14, 2023
The short hiatus on these releases made me realize that even though it is one hell of a shit show, I do miss the updates for it. Even though removing the Kazuya's cuckolding inner dialogue leaves you with 2 pages of actual progress (?).
Jan 26, 2018
The graciousness I have seen reading this is absolutely magnificent, The life suffering through might and shall be terrible but this glorious manga of Reiji will help all others including me have to un-accept the fact that life is horrible. My heart could profusely explode out of tears and the joy watching this piece of artwork created by such mankind will help me forget all the troubles I have had or seen. Shedding tears, It makes my eyes feel like its been glorified with graciousness, such a masterpiece put together deserves to be given a great award, a glorious award, a precious award. The feeling of peace making me yawn peacefully into sleep gives me great feeling but to seek no help due to how this helps me so much with all my life's problems currently, this manga makes me suffer through any crisis I am in, No matter how hard it hits me, This glorious extremely gracious, wonderful, award-deserving, flabbergasting, tear-making, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, beautiful, and absolutely inspiring masterpiece makes me want to give the man who used all his soul to create this a paradise in life due to how much relaxed I get from reading this.
Ohai, Kazuya. 😉
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
Thank you for the upload, my empty life has been missing this trash heap.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018

after spending 2 minutes to read through this forget-able chapter , the only thing that i could remember is the cover page , because i noticed that the trashy mangaka miyajima reiji stole the design of the beanie cap from a "special manga" .

a few years ago , i found that "special manga" in japanese language , i dont know if right now , that "special manga" has an english translation or not .

that "special manga" has more better art , more better story , and more better romance than rental girl-friend , aka mental illness girl-friend .

in that "special manga" , the main girl 's name is Nekoda Nekoha , with neko = cat .

note that her beanie cap , her shirt , and her socks have the same design and the same color .

i can only read some simple japanese letters , so i guess the plot of that "special manga" is :

3 boys invite the girl nekoda to a house , to eat some "special yogurts" / some "special puddings" .

then the 3 boys invite nekoda into a bed-room , to watch a "special film" together , and she thinks : " well , there is no harm with that . what could go wrong ? "

and the bed-room has a box of tissue papers , and a trash-can for the used papers , lol .

it is funny that the girl nekoda nearly has the same hair-style as ichinose chorizo .
and the 3 boys look like kinoshita kazuya , kuribayashi shun , and kibe yoshiaki .

and even during "the deed" , and even when she takes a clean-up shower , her beanie cap stays on , no matter what , just like a beret , lol .
Aggregator gang
Dec 26, 2018
I occasionally come back to check some chapters... This shit is still not done?? Like can someone explain to me about the progress? because there's no way I will read this shithole anymore.
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