more like, are stories like this one the reason y so many kids grow up into ppl who think that, they can make the wrong choices, or choose incorrectly, w/e of something along those lines, and then blame like, any1 but themselves for their own mistakes?
edit: and then basically tell people that they shouldn't feel offended after offending them, and expect every1 to like them and, well, whatever other ridiculous thing they want since by this point of the sentence, im sure you have remembered some examples, of- well,,
edit2 ' after calming down, y didn't this kid just type something up on the internet, it would be just as anonymous as irl, or b4 that, is this not also a standard, exhibit of perhaps parental failure?? since there is a least a hint of "i worked so hard, maybeharderthanotherpeople - so i deserve a fucking handout"
the girl's obsession with ratings is also hilarious- almost as much as the theme that 'people are only ever real when they are angry, non-angery ppl are all fake lul'