
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2020
@BlueSmoke577 I mean there is no win or loss here. We are consuming content for free. I just mean badmouthing the authors work and the effort put in by the team who translated manga is kind of rude don't you agree? Giving your opinion without bashing someone else's work is not bad but just calling something "shit" because it is not of your liking feels kind of irresponsible. If you really don't like it, simple do not force yourself to read it. Giving my opinion, I enjoy this manga, I know tons of people that legit resemble the MC, so it falls within my perspective of reality and I can somehow relate and enjoy it.
Jan 23, 2020
And stupidly someone tries to prove this manga is “garbage” without proving anything at all. Just their desire to say the “hentai portion” is good. Stupid haters...
Apr 18, 2020
Can't agree more with the comment below.

As fas as the story is, I wouldn't recommend to anyone to start reading this. Don't get me wrong, I thinks its a fine-to-good manga, but after 138 chapters, nothing much changed (plis read the coment from @McLXIX). In last chapters I've been scrolling more than reading, because it's always the same (starting the chapter like "wow somethings gonna happend" and after 3 pages "bah").

If you start reading this, prepare to wait for another 150-200 chapters to see something worth happening.

Even if I will keep following this manga, I should have waited for it to end (or be in his last 2-3 arcarcs).
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020
The premise was somewhat (well, not really) interesting, but progression slowed to a crawl like 150 chapters ago.

Basically, their relationship after a certain point (I genuinely don't remember when) became an asymptote: they get seemingly closer and closer, but in increasingly meaningless ways.

The cast isn't all that bad, exception made for the background characters (they constantly creepily comment how good the girl on page looks and how bad MC looks in comparison) and, of course, the male lead.

It's not just that Kazuya is a dense fuck. I've started to not care anymore about that. But this man... he might be the cringiest MC to have ever appeared. He looks like Naruto (even the damn shirt is the same, the one with the "6"), but has none of his redeeming qualities. Cringier Naruto will, no matter what, blush violently anytime any girl talks to him, and then will check them out while they're talking with some "UWAAAAAAAH SHE'S SO CUTE". I mean, fuck, I get it man, but goddamn it, LISTEN, just how unrespectful can you be? It's so hard for this moron not to ruin a serious moment, many serious scene don't have him in the scene and they work BETTER because of it. With that said, I've started to enjoy the manga again. Why? Well, I've embraced the Cringe. Everytime this pops up I'm like "oh boi here comes the cringelord". It becomes kind of funny at that point.

So, what about the other characters? Eh, they're fine. The drama they generate isn't bad and they are somewhat fleshed out. But maybe i'm just blinded by the Cringestorm from the MC.
Jan 23, 2020
I recently remembered this:

In 1864, before the beginning of THE SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION, Gustave Flaubert wrote a letter about his work: (sorry, I translated from French)

“I want to write the moral history of the men of my generation or, more accurately, the history of their feelings. It’s a book about love, about passion; but the passion that can only exist nowadays, this means, INACTIVE. The subject, as I conceived it, is, I think, deeply true, but it seems to me in itself, little enjoyable. The facts, the drama, all are missing a bit, and the actions unfold over a long period of time”

What I mean is that the new readers should wait until this story is over. And you should endure the horrible pacing of a weekly publication. This is the same of only read one page per week of a book that you can perfectly read in just two days. You shouldn’t let yourselves deluded by the egotistical disappointment of the whining self-entitled “good readers” that needs instantly satisfaction for finally “prove a point” about what they are always said about this manga, for better or worse. They never explain anything at all and apparently they could be better narrators than the author, they just admit “not remembering things” and then go with weird criticism when their objectives are not to read the story but to prove a point. Don’t hear to them. Just ignore them.

The important thing here is to read the story and actually have a good overview of what is actually happening and why, far away than the ridiculousness of saying what the story should or shouldn’t be, what the author should and shouldn’t do or how the characters should or shouldn’t be developed.

So... read.
Apr 23, 2020
Anyone knows how many chapters are left? I felt like it was gonna end soon uptill Ruka showed up xD
Apr 20, 2020
Personally enjoyed the story but the MC is just annoying. He could've done so much but still barely anything 130+ chapters in. Better to read when finished so you won't have to ask weekly, "will something happen this time?". Also, Ruka best girl (doesn't matter if Kazuya gets Mizuhara, that leaves Ruka open fo me) .
Apr 27, 2020
New reader here, just binge-read the entire thing and man, people don't exaggerate when they said barely anything happens even after 130+ chapters.

It's like, after 139 chapters in, there's no spoilers to be spoiled. And even if something might be considered a spoiler, it barely even matters.

And yeah, I also don't like how the background characters just casually creepily comment on how godly the girls are and how much of a bad match up they are with the MC is, sometimes badmouthing their compatibility. Kinda irritating tbh (this will happen every time the MC is out with a girl).

Going forward, my expectations are also barely there but I still have a little bit of hope. A hope not for whether there will be some developments or not, but a hope that they'll come sooner rather than way later. So that the many readers won't have to wait for much, or worse, drop this altogether.

With all that said, I'm still gonna support the artist and buy the volumes when they're available. So please author, keep going for the better.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2019
As @ddyd said, there's nothing relevant even after 139 chapters. Background characters are plain, and that's all. The MC is the usual gutless boy who keeps blushing, and blushing... That's all he does in the entire series. Every person on this planet would be a better MC than him.

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