The premise was somewhat (well, not really) interesting, but progression slowed to a crawl like 150 chapters ago.
Basically, their relationship after a certain point (I genuinely don't remember when) became an asymptote: they get seemingly closer and closer, but in increasingly meaningless ways.
The cast isn't all that bad, exception made for the background characters (they constantly creepily comment how good the girl on page looks and how bad MC looks in comparison) and, of course, the male lead.
It's not just that Kazuya is a dense fuck. I've started to not care anymore about that. But this man... he might be the cringiest MC to have ever appeared. He looks like Naruto (even the damn shirt is the same, the one with the "6"), but has none of his redeeming qualities. Cringier Naruto will, no matter what, blush violently anytime any girl talks to him, and then will check them out while they're talking with some "UWAAAAAAAH SHE'S SO CUTE". I mean, fuck, I get it man, but goddamn it, LISTEN, just how unrespectful can you be? It's so hard for this moron not to ruin a serious moment, many serious scene don't have him in the scene and they work BETTER because of it. With that said, I've started to enjoy the manga again. Why? Well, I've embraced the Cringe. Everytime this pops up I'm like "oh boi here comes the cringelord". It becomes kind of funny at that point.
So, what about the other characters? Eh, they're fine. The drama they generate isn't bad and they are somewhat fleshed out. But maybe i'm just blinded by the Cringestorm from the MC.