@evergreen_oak There are more undeserved 9 and 10 Stars though.
Why would you rate this as "Great" anyway? Even Berserk doesnt have a 10, even though if any mangas were rated with a 10 on this site it HAS to be one of them?
Yes, it is not bad, but its average-good at most. I'd say most people rating this 1/10 arent haters, they are just rebalancing overzealous people that rate 10/10.
There are literally 9 Stars comics out there that dont deserve it, "Zense Coupling" for example 9.20 Mean rating, like what the hell? It may be "good", it may be "very good", but how the hell does that comic stand on par with others that have the same rating?
"Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... GIRLS PATCH" 8.61 Mean Rating, sounds as if its almost on par with titles like one piece that have entire studios, multiple quality checkers and tens of years of deliberating over story behind them.
7/10 is the MOST this manga deserves. I would rate it 5/10 if there werent worse mangas with 8 Stars out there. Its not bad, it is sligtly above average, as the naming of those stars implies.