Well, Abel did get more powerful now than he was in the past, didn't he? Hence why the fights usually don't last 10 chapters.Flashback length on par with a Naruto flashback, but the present day fighting leaving a shit ton to be desired, this should have seriously been the opposite if you ask me.
You'd have been better off having one or two panels per page during the fight dedicated to Ayane's past as they are fighting, to give context to why this entire fight should be such a tear-jerker, then do the same for Cain when Abel gets to their fight, that would've been far better than how the Author decided to do it.
He alr mourned for her 200 years ago, its in the past at this pointOn the one hand, it's not a fight I was particularly interested in seeing dragging on, but on the other hand, considering we just had a whole flashback basically to set up the truth of her death, it also feels kind of wild to just have the whole fight + farewell happen in just a single chapter.
I bet they won't stop talking for at least 3 full chapters, plus there's probably going to be another flashback. I wouldn't be surprised if we're still like 8-12 chapters away from them actually fighting, with like 2-3 chapters of action followed by another 2-3 chapter long monologue.Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets: How many chapters will take the fight versus Cain?
I'm still checking out to see whether the author will bring tiddies and the harem back but not invested in the story anymore; not that I ever did, though.I think at this point it's a sunken cost fallacy. I'm too far in to drop it, even though I really want to. At first I was in it for the tiddy and lewds, then the author wimped out. Then I was in for the harem and intrigue with his secret identity, then the author wimped out. Now I'm here to witness the trainwreck veer off a cliff for the final time so I can put it all behind me.