Rettou Gan no Tensei Majutsushi ~ Shiitagerareta Moto Yuusha wa Mirai no Sekai o Yoyuu de Ikinuku ~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Jul 30, 2018
This is my first comment, but what the fuck. No build up to romance just 'I see her as a little girl ' to him apparently getting hard from seeing her nude and then immediately banging her, standard trashy isekai stuff. Dude brags about being a noble and wants to bang his fucking COMMONER maid, she says no cuz she loves Mc like all women in isekai. He sees his brother trying to attack this commoner who is supposed to have no fucking magic talent or strength, and sees him trip the guy, who then falls off on his own and decides to vent his anger. If he tries to kill the dude and the guy forgives him I'm going to be pissed, this shit happens all the fucking time and the author is always like "MAKE THEM HIDE THEIR POWER BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SAD BACK STORY AND WANT TO LIVE PEACEFULLY. NEVER KILL OFF ANY CHARACTERS WHO HAVE ANY FORM OF PERSONALITY BECAUSE I'M TOO STUPID AND LAZY TO CREATE ACTUAL CHARACTERS WHO CAN BE UNDERSTOOD. ONLY KILL OFF CHARACTERS WHO ARE SUPER EVIL AND EXIST ONLY TO BE CUNTS FOR NO REASON, THEN THE MC WILL DEFEAT THEM AND ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HATED HIM WILL LOVE HIM AND WE CAN EXPAND THE HAREM"

Look I get that you're just Scanlation and that you have no control and this is what audiences want but Holy fuck if he pretends to be weak so he can avoid offending a noble then has his maid swoop in and causing them both to get kicked out of the town I'm done. Holy fuck the quality of manga is down the shitter these days, yeah japanese people love isekai because their culture is super fucking competitive and high stress so they want to pretend to be a teenage Mc with God powers, but fuck this is so bland.

Antagonist who is trying to fuck the dudes bitch? Check, just like in every isekai, SAO, arifuerta, demon lord Diablo, etc
Girl who loves Mc unrequited simply because he did a single thing once? Check
Forcing confrontation because you can't make a decent plot? Check
Op Mc who is looked down upon? Check, at least do it like shikkaku mon no saikyou, they at least had a reason, which was demons spreading rumors because they were almost wiped out, so over a few thousand years they slowly chipped away at knowledge, 200 years of peace and they lose all the magic fundamentals? We still have blueprints and records for inventions from thousands of years ago, as well as both modern and ancient military technique. Or, if you're going to make it so that he becomes strong because nobody else knows how to use a specific type of magic like live dungeon does, make it reasonable. Ashley the eternal fool does it because the dude randomly mixed immortality medicine then spends thousands of years in a cave studying so he can prove he isn't useless. Amber eyes are supposed to be feared absolutely, because they are common in demons and the most powerful mages, and there's no way you forget that fact over a few generations. Sure if it was 2000 years in the future where demons had adapted into human culture (since even the demon kings daughter legit only wears contacts because amber eyes are seen as useless) meaning that there are demons that look just like humans. But there are still fucks in modern day who argue their side won the Civil War. No way 200 years goes by and demons are suddenly myths. Kingdoms would have detailed records of demon strengths, intelligence, military strategy, magic, and so on in case it was needed after the heroes died and demons returned. Even if nobody was alive to say they fought demons the fear of amber eyes shouldn't have been made into a joke, and sure there's peace but magic academies and scholars didn't just disappear, even if they shifted focus to household use the fact is they would still have records and training for combat magic.

Drunk ranting aside this is just so much trash. You got the cliche op Mc who gets kicked out betrayed etc by his friends, gets judged for the entire series until the final boss battle and everyone loves him, and then they probably do something stupid to make him weak and hated again for plot

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Okay rich boy, amount of money or success will ever erase the feeling of getting CUCKED
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I'd just make a gigantic fireball over his head and ask what in hell did he mean by his honour as noble ..
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2018
Duel > Getting true medical assistance for the injured brother

I know that he did "first aid", but "priorities"
Feb 4, 2018

Standart thrashy isekai
But It's not a Isekai. Our mc isn't Japanese, being Op bcz god.

Girl who loves MC unrequited simply because he did a single thing once ? Check.

Ok, you obviously didn't read the story.
Remember, after the hero party killed the Demon's king, the MC :
-Saved her life
-Took her with him to protect her from others humans for a long time.
-Teach her lot of things (magic), for her to be able to live alone.

They lived together with no one else for months or years, how is this "a single thing" ? Ofc she would have a crush on him after that, he was everything for her.
If you wanted to whine about a girl, you could have at least waited the redhead girl (on the cover), THIS is a thrash girl.

This story certainly isn't a masterpiece or even a good fantasy story (well, it's rare now with all the low-cost Isekai), but they're tons of others series (even some VERY POPULAR) who deserve a critic like this even more.
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
come on dude just take your brother to the doctor this is no time for a fucking duel

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