Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
The tale of a poor, young street urchin with an abusive father suddenly given the opportunity to turn his life around after being taken in by a wealthy, kindly aristocrat. Accepting the charity of the kindly gentleman, he tries to fit in with his strange new surroundings, only to be opposed at every turn by his benefactor's pampered heir who feels jealousy toward his father's new ward after he is praised for his manners and athletic/academic prowess. Even after reaching adulthood, the resulting inheritance dispute turns into a conflict wherein the jealous heir accuses the former urchin of poisoning the master of the estate and have him arrested. Failing to do so, he attempts to shoot the urchin and later burns the mansion down with both his father and the urchin still inside to get rid of him once and for all. Only with the timely intervention of a supernatural stone mask does the urchin manage to survive, unfortunately his benefactor had died in the conflict. Swearing revenge, the urchin utilizes the new powers bestowed upon him by the stone mask to bring the heir and his two cronies (a cockney street thug and a mysterious, mustache-twirling gentleman that is a master of eastern martial arts) to justice once and for all.