Risou no Musume Nara Sekai Saikyou Demo Kawaigatte Kuremasuka - Ch. 16.2

Aug 25, 2020
The manga adaptation is going at a steady pace I see. Reading up to the latest LN volume was a good choice on my part. Also, I’m pretty sure someone back in the comments of 13.1 already spoiled Selka’s Revival since
She’s being kept in suspended animation, so she’s neither alive nor dead, but more in a coma like state.

Hopefully the manga keeps the pacing without any issues till Selka’s revival. I’m liking how the manga is steadily progressing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Next chapter she will lose an arm and a leg, and the cat girl will be a soul bound to a suit of armor.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Yes. The way to do that is by using 7 dragon balls to summon the wish granter dragon to revive Selka. This manga will break the 4th wall. Or they can just be like Elric brothers who tried to revive their mother, but failed.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth Most overrated manga, you mean. In reality it has fallen from grace a long time ago, but people have yet to realize it. Mantaining it's status quo only because of nostalgia.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@BloodySorcerer You can't overate popularity or how much money something make, those are objective metrics.

'Literal is making more money than ever before' can hardly be called 'maintain the status quo'.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth Sorry but that's not how it works. poularity and money are not objective in this case, because neither influences how good a work really is. Only the studio and manga company are really affected by those metrics, not the product itself.
So yes Dragon Ball is, and always will be the most overrated manga of history. Because it has worse problems than Bleach but eveyone simply gloss over those problems and treat it as they don't exist. Dragonball's problems are huge, from lack of consistency and cohesion to even clear contradictions in some cases. Dragonball does not deserve the fame it enjoys.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@BloodySorcerer No one talked about quality, it's quality that's not an objective metric, popularity and money ARE objective. I think you don't know what those words mean.

So no, Dragon Ball's popularity and money aren't over rated, not matter how much you cope.

You thinking it doesn't deserve it is subjective, what's objective is it's famous, no matter what you say or do about it.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth Sorry but quality IS objective. Do not confuse quality with personal taste, which are two different things altogether.
Quality is objective because there are actual rules when it comes to storycrafting, a story needs to be cohesive and concise for it to work, furthermore there are also a different models which are applied to all western literrature and all eastern literature. Aside from these the story can be written in any way the author wishes, so long as they follow these precepts.

A story that lacks cohesion and consisiveness, cannot be properly accepted for it fights against it's own rules. Dragonball does exactly that it constantly fights against it's own rules.
Earthlings were supposed to be the only race that can control their power levels, yet this element was dropped after Vegeta's arc, Tien Shin Han was supposed to be the strongest earthling, and through his actions that's what he actually was during Dragonball classic and DBZ. But he became the weakest without any explnation whatsoever during Dragonball Super. Kamehameha was a malleable technique that could be controlled and have even it's format manipulated at will, but this vanished after Freeza arc, Goku was the one who used it in the most creative ways, but this gets attributed to Krillin later own even though his control was never as good. Same for the Tien's technique to blind opponents, which he taught to Goku and Krillin, but it bercame a Krillin technique later on. There are so many retcons and contraditions within the story, specially the ones related to Gohan that, one simply cannot unsee, Just remember Tien NEVER stopped traning, but even though Krillin became weak enough to be harmed by bullets, it took him a mere week for him to surpass Tien in DBSuper, however Tien is the most talented normal human alive, and he never stopped training so he should've been much stronger by now...
And neither of these elements are subjective, these were all well definied during the early days of the series, but were dropped without any explanation. Can you see how wrong your statement is?

If it was as you say that money and popularity are objective, explain to me what you think of modern music, with it's near lack of melody, standardized techniques, and mediocre singers. It earns a horrifyingly high amount of money. But is absolutely inferior to older songs in almost every single way. Will you still say that those modern songs are superior, because they still earn money and are always in tv shows and movies?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@BloodySorcerer No, it isn't, otherwise most people agree on it and the vast majority of people clearly don't agree with.

'S-s-s-so long as they follow these precepts !!!' Every great writer in history : Lol, fuck the convention.

You're the only one speaking of something being better than something else, which once again is subjective.

We get it, you're very upset all the garbage you read are inferior in any objective way, like money and popularity so you try to pretend a bunch of subjective stuff are objective.

I don't see anything wrong with what I said but I see a lot of cope in what you said.

Okay, let take quality as objective : the vast majority of people would say DB has a high quality since they all like it and spend money on it, which mean that DB is now objectively one of the hightest quality manga ever, which mean you can seeth and cope even more now. See what a shit argument like yours lead to ?
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth I can't believe how you can ever bend realit so much just to find a way for your argument to be right. Listen popularity and money income is literally the most subjective aspect of them all.
Popularity is tied to marketing, hype generation and it's a vicious cycle, the most popular something gets the more people will find validation and the more biased in favor of a product will they become. It's extremely subjective all by itself, more importantly. IT's something that CANNOT be judged though objective means unless there's quality involved in the process.

"otherwise most people agree on it and the vast majority of people clearly don't agree with."
Congratulations on falling in the most disgusting falacy in existence.
No, number of people agreeing on something does not make anything true or even objective. A sucessful product does not prove the quality of the same product, because again, people's perception can be manipulated. As a matter of fact the music industry does just that. They literally brainwash people into liking certain musical genre's by increasing the contact a person will have with a certain song. Ever wonder why a song becomes a hit over night and it instantly shows up in every movie, series, radio or tv shows of a certain time period. DO you really think it's because a music is good?
WHy do you think many of these hits die as fast as they became famous?

'S-s-s-so long as they follow these precepts !!!' Every great writer in history : Lol, fuck the convention.
Yeah, let us ignore convention, it is doing the comic book market such a favor isn't it? Comic books have never been better ever since they started ignoring convention.

Listen quality is not and will never be subjective. There are reasons why products are successful, and others are not. If quality were subjective then Berserk could be considered the worst manga ever(it will never be), Mona Lisa is such an ugly painting...(it is not, you'd have to be utterly blind to think so)
There are objective qualities in any kind of work. In the same way that while beuty is considered subjective, there are people who are so beautiful that everyone agrees on their beauty. Or negative qualities that are so hideous literally no one wants to have(Such as Acne).
The reason why people have so many subjective views on everything is because the vast majority of people don't like going out of their way to take a proper look at things as they are. I'm not exaggerating here, the VA industry is a living proof of that. You have people praising VA work simply because they like the actors, disregarding the fact that directors chose the actors poorly for the characters they will represent. You simply CANNOT dispute, that no matter how good the VA really is, if his voice is too deep he should never be cast to play the part of a child.
I've seen this happen a thousand of times. people talking about subjectiity of quality while defending a clear old woman's voice on a character that is 8 years old, just because they love the voice actress. This does not make quality subjective it makes the viewer extremely biased, and their opinion questionable.

Yes opinions can be wrong, so long as personal perspective itself is wrong. The applications of subjectivity over certain values will ALWAYS be wrong, as it's the same as looking at a blue screen and calling it it red, and then try to defend yourself saying that it's your opinion, it simply doesn't work. You cannot change reality just because you don't like it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
@hartex92 @nachtness
Not realy, if the autor put some restriction to the resurection. Like the need of some special sicumstance that can only happen with X condition.
That's exactly why i use Gandalf as an exemple, he is the only one that could resurect when there was a insane amount of death in the story.

I mean, Yukina's mother is dead, and tsnudere's parent are too, so autor probably wont abuse this move if he use it.
Feb 29, 2020
So have you read all novels till volume 4? If so, could you please spoil me what exactly happen and how?
I tried to find some spoiler on my own but I only managed to find a brief synopsis of single volumes. Which only left me wanting for more details.
If you don't want to write to much spoiler in this comment section fell free to PM me.

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