@Skine so I've read even more into this, and for me it got worse. The mc justifies massacring his high school bullies, despite the fact he could've done something about it. His parents killing themselves in protest was pretty low, those parents wouldn't have killed themselves if they really cared about their kid. Also after he's free to do whatever he wants, he just spends his life as a shut in, instead of taken advantage of his position that his parents put him in. Of course the mc isn't the only character I dislike though, for example that nurse who waited to fix his problem, the bullies who acted idiotically and also wanted revenge on their "toy", how bored must you be?
The world building is also a bit rushed, I mean a sword from the sky coming straight to him? How did it not plummet through that roof, killing him in the process? Also it just gives random lore on whoever used that sword before him, if you're gonna go into it, explain it better and don't be vauge. The art also is pretty sharp yet rough. those black outlines are way too big. Imo I'd give this 2/5 characters, 2.5/5 world building, 3/5 art for an overall 5/10, nothing new, but also not shit compared to some shit on this site