Rooftop Sword Master

Aug 31, 2019
Im more baffled by the people in military,police,bodyguard service that still choose to keep working knowing the dude can take on a tank..i would resign or chose to not to be involved in this shitshow
May 23, 2020
This is basically an edgefest- a genuine cringeworthy edgefest. For the first bit, things were really kind of cool. Then they started throwing tragedy on top of tragedy on top of tragedy. Post-paralytic bully victim? Check. Arbitrarily miserable background? Check. No character arcs? Check. The first confrontation? Kind of cool honestly. The ultimatum and all of that, the build up, things seemed to be going really kind of cool. And then things became a shitshow when the MC runs a hit list, starts executing people with no thought about morality, and then just dives straight into being ever more edgy, and more boringly large-scale. How long before we get a King Kong scene? Who knows... Art is probably on the worse side of things, and pacing is completely completely rekt. 4/10.
Nov 18, 2019
The revenge is satisfying, even it looks stupid but i like it
Btw why the mc and the sword is different with the cover?
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
Its soo dumb, but its a revenge fantasy of absolute brutality. I love it, because not only is it stupid as fuck, its also satisfying as fuck.
Aug 16, 2020
Somehow I totally expected something different. Something not so dumb and pure brawl, no brain.
It feels like hulk with a sword and a kill list. Fewer error in speech, non bulletproof hulk, in skin color.
Fun for your casual read of just a "power fantasy". Maybe just want to see someone getting smashed to pieces? Do not look for any deeper meaning in this one, you will not find it after chapter 6... 17-18, holy heck there is quite a bit of build up. I just noticed how much build we got till it just dumbed down and got to smash'em.
Oct 23, 2018
its like a juicy beefy burger, you take a bite and that succulent meat, the cheese that just melts in your mouth, and that oh so good sauce that blends in so well with the rest, each bite is just pure bliss.
Shit happens and time for revenge, no point in going in for Plot. but if your after that oh so derricious SMASH mentality, this will satisfy that ich!
Aug 15, 2020
Guys almost all things on mangadex are not something deep or profound, dont know where you guys think you are and what medium you think you are consuming but this place is not some philosophy circle. This story is about guy who just gets power to get his revenge. I know nothing new but I mean what in manga is really a new concept? Its simple premise but well done with good art style and the story would be the same regardless if there was 100 more chapters of build up before he starts going ham. And I mean I dont know about you guys but I read everything that is good regardless whether or not its simple. If I want something to think about I certainly wont be expecting to find it on mangadex with name Rooftop Sword Master.
Jan 20, 2018
I would describe this series as.

Young John Wick with superpowers.

It is extremely cathartic as fuck, and you can cry otherwise, but the MC's characterization is great. The only 'bad' point would be how hopelessly villainous the 'antags' are. This is Antihero dialed up to the max.
Dec 17, 2019
Me: Sees cover image
Me: Reads description
Me: Reads the actual thing
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
The cover image's misleading af.
Anyways, this lost a lot of the hype it had at first, and im still not sure hows he's blocking bullets as the sword is huge yeah, but he's the size of the hulk at this point and he's getting sprayed by 10 soldiers point blank and the sword blocks it all somehow... Seems a really lazy way to do it.
Aug 15, 2020
This is really good. The art is very bold and different than what you see in most manhwas these days. There isn’t the traditional story arc or character development, which was an interesting choice. Now a lot of people are bitching because it’s not going like a standard manhwa or manga. But honestly, it's really refreshing to see this type every once in a while.

They're targeting what remains of his family and the girl he suffered so much for, but that's only going to anger him more. Another thing this isn't going to go as you'd expect, he's declared war on the people who made him suffer and the country that wouldn't give him the justice he or his family deserved. So expect death, destruction, and mayhem, don't expect the standard stuff you see everywhere else cause this MC has gone to war and it's going to be brutal, bloody, and truly insane.
Dec 3, 2018
I really must say I enjoy every new chapter of this, the fact that it gave us the premise and then boom dives right on into the revenge is so satisfying when every other story is set up to have the revenge come after hundreds of chapters and makes it like the final goal of the series, screw that I just wanna see the OP character go apesh-- and take out the targets, if they further a story after that okay, if that's the end of the story I can be okay with that too.
May 14, 2019
I saw this an hour ago and now I'm here waiting for the next update. A really refreshing take on how to do a revenge plot. No BS just straight business and it fine. If your looking for something compelling with no plot holes this might not be it but still a good read non the less. Korean HULK SLASH!

Side note:
Only problem I had with this MC is that he did not consider the effect he would have to his family (Aunt) when he started his revenge.

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