this manga is cursed, if only eng publisher wasn't sitting on his ass, with that godawful font too.
ra-ra-ra-rasputin, Karen, skipping panels, UwU-reaction T/N, american low-speak everywhere
doubt.jpg, no group release openly uses MTL, even has low-quality warning first page and it sure lives up to it, but at least it doesn't pretend otherwise, unlike you. your argument about 4chan is even more silly: it's an anonymous imageboard, by definition any claims for or against identities of posters over there are unprovable.
the drama seems to be like this:
-flamingslime TL injected dumb meme into plot-relevant point
-shitstorm happened, their TL kept shitposting "just do it yourself then lol"
-promised to continue slipping memes into releases out of spite (delivered)
-someone else actually did MTL release and went smug about it in comments
-FS threw a hissy fit and quit
-came back some chapters later, claiming they reformed, made up with no group and no more memes
-immediately inserted another dumb meme
-it stays in chapter long enough to reach aggregators
-shitstorm happens, featuring mutiny of their cleaner apparently rage-releasing his own version without meme
-MTL starts releasing and being smug again, gets banned for shitposting
-their lead calls alternative, faster TL release readers degenerates
-also calls FS group "main series translator", implying they own the series somehow lmao
or something like this, follow up from ch48 comments if you're interested. meme TL made it to aggregators together with some other cringy stuff, this drama isn't at the level of isekai ojisan but still entertaining.