@Flyingpantsu You're goddamn right,
@Kaarme. My parents and every Asian kid's parent I know growing up kept huge bags of rice at our homes. I still keep a literal 25 lbs bag of rice in my kitchen because it feels wrong to not have one. Even though it is taking forever to consume that bag because I live on my own now, eat out, and also have western dishes to eat.
When I was a 3 years old (and yes, I do know I was 3 because it still in my old "home" before we moved at 4), my dad brings back home pizza. One day, instead of the usual cheese pizza, he brought back pepperoni. I took a big bite and went screaming out of the room and crying how it was so spicy. I did not dare try another pepperoni pizza for like 3 years.
This chapter reminded me that memory. And an observation I learned after learning that our tastebuds decline as we get older. We really do forget that children do taste food a lot stronger than we do as adults. It's a major factor to why so many kids don't like vegetables, or how adults increasing drink coffee black without care, or (apparently) even older people in my culture loves "bittermellon" soup.
Remember people, if you're taking care of a kid. Remember everything they taste is a lot stronger. Sure, there's still the kid that may still like the food like Moka, but it because they just like the taste which taste even stronger for them.