Hey, yall. I just wanted to ask.....which chapter did the btch named
@twicestan9 (I think that was her name?) trash talk the scans for not being able to redraw and for putting too much punctuation marks? He/she talked too much and thought he/she understood everything but.....not actually knowing that redrawing takes hours, and hours, and hours. Which sometimes takes up half of the time the group works on a chapter. They already put sfx notes.
@twicestan9, if you ever read this comment, then please, shut up and fck off. Is it rlly THAT hard to read sfx notes? Are YOU blind? If you wanna throw a tantrum, go somewhere else. You obviously ruined and bothered some of the ppl who have noticed your comment. Especially the scans who are redrawing, cleaning, and translating this. Do you seriously want to stress the group out? You've disgusted us long enough. Please, use ypur brain before you yap with your shtty mouth. I will say this once again, if you wanna throw a tantrum, then stop reading and redraw it on your own. Your words hurt the scans. You are just a cold heartless btch who doesen't care about ppl's efforts. Be glad that you can even read this manga. We do NOT want a disgusting and shitty reader like you here. YOU. DIS.GUST. ME.