
Dec 3, 2020
Not bad but not very good. The start was good but latter started to rush thing little. The MC too. "Cold beauty which is untouchable".

Before you read the spoiler know it's pretty much the plot of the manhua so far so...

And want to kill her family. And that's the only point in her wich make sense. But to try so hard for her 'toy'. I don't understand. I understand she wants him to live and remember her with the fact she didn't do anithing to him but she give him too much attention. And start 'falling for him'. And the 'toy' start trusting the MC too fast. Really stupid. And with his power to heal with kissing?! No more of this please. The side characters are more interesting to than the 'toy'. Like the younger half-brother of the MC, who wants her attention, or the older half-brother of the MC, who finds enjoyment in her negative expresions.

The art is really good and I like the artstyle.

With this I give max 7/10. Big part in this plays the art.
Dec 10, 2020
Many people are guessing about Roxanna's motivation, and so will I!

So, this is based on some of the lines and dialogue present in the story....

When she first came to this world, MC had exposed that she was weak to all the violence and gore in the novel she read, when she was still living her previous life. It was only a book and yet she was so frightened and disgusted that it lowered her progress reading.... BUUUT why did i mention this? This is a baseline for her personality before reincarnating and eventually becoming a "Great Agriche".

At first you can see, she sees everything as a novel. She is not so serious about the expectations Agriches have on their progeny, but her idc attitude ends when her brother dies and she realizes that... there's no one to save her but herself. And from them on she starts changing, abandoning her weaknesses.

When Cassis first comes to the house, she already has the Agriche mentality imprinted into her. Only the strongest can live and the weaker are corpses. She doesn't cringe to the sight of blood, gore doesn't bother her at all, even when so crudely presented in front of her (and this is a parallel between her initial personality).

Next: Her interactions with ML. If you started reading now, it'll be a bit spoilerish til' chap 23
At first, you can see that she is thinking about how to get his trust. But instead of taking a normal route, she goes through the trouble of causing situations to make him realize how vulnerable he is without her, making him dependent on her so he won't go against her will. This is not building trust, this is building domination. She does it unconsciously and calls it "trust". This is the bending of reality by someone whose mind is not completely ok.
Next, Cassis starts to eventually become closer to her. And she thinks that it is because she showed her strenght to him. But it clearly isn't, it is her innocent and weak mother (which he associates to her and creates an image of a "defenseless Roxanne, a bird enclosed into a cage of evil".
As Cassis changes his opinion on her when he sees her weaknesses. He thinks the poisonous flowers are something her cruel family has been giving her to kill her, but she is more surprised about other things and doesn't notice his concern.

So, this little details show you, that our protagonist has long been distorted by the environment. She is nauseated by what she sees, but she also feels secure acting the way she has been living... as an Agriche.
Sep 12, 2020
I read some spoilers and I honestly wish author will change things or add more details
she will be in long distance relationship with cassis and dion will become her slave like it feels incomplete to me and she will colead the black agriche house with jeremy
Sep 12, 2020
I can't imagine the amount of pressure is like when working as an Agriche Maid or Guard. Truly horrifying.
Sep 12, 2020
I really like how her pupils are slit and the small Butterfly detail if you look close enough compared to Cassis' round ones.
Jun 24, 2020


anyways idk why i kept on reading this when everything is so tragic and bloody i hope ML will always be save tho he's babie 🥺
Nov 22, 2019
You aren't reading this right if you aren't dumping for the art and at least one character in the series
May 27, 2019
Henloooo, new here. Which translation should I read?? So confusing...
While there so many untranslated series out there...

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