RSS Clients War!

Aggregator gang
Dec 18, 2018
1. before posting, help yourself.
2. read 1.
this thread is about discussion of RSS clients. we don't need your opinion on whether RSS is useful or not.
4. this is a RSS Clients discussion WAR but pls try to be as polite as possible. if you dont, then dont you blame me for banning ur account. :dogkek:
5. if you already have a RSS client of your choice at least tell us what you like about it. (be as descriptive as possible).

If any of these: tt-rss | RSS Guard | QuiteRss | Fluent Reader is not your favorite rss client then dont you dare comment. (im joking tho. give your opinion on any RSS client you want).

tt-rss god tier.

QuiteRSS a complete app just below tt-rss. the problem: outdated. Its webengine is a security risk (read note). That is if you use it to render a full page (correct me if am wrong) reason why it got removed from supported archlinux repos and moved to the AUR. its develoment is stagnated (more than a year without commits) but for Fluent Reader/RSS Guard or any other RSS Client to come close to its features is unlikely.

Fluent Reader modern-looking app based on Electron with shit load of RAM usage. I've tested with feeds from mangaupdates and it fetches duplicates every time it auto-updates the feed.

RSS Guard decent one. if it werent for its webengine (chromium) it would be garbage. its developer is a DIY boy, just looking at the docs and i saw it right away.
this thing can also scrap websites. in weeb words; it can get rss feeds from any website even if they dont provide a rss feed.
f you want features that could resemble a complete app like QuiteRSS then you'll have to wait 5 years more for a 20% chance of what QuiteRSS offers now, go help him make it better lol

My current Feed Reader is QuiteRSS of course.
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Group Leader
Sep 17, 2018
pics or a video? i want to see what you've done with it
I'd rather not show my feeds, but I use the built-in Newsticker package with the "Treeview" frontend.
Yes, I do know things like elfeed exist and they are better; no, I do not care about it.
Aggregator gang
Dec 18, 2018
I'd rather not show my feeds, but I use the built-in Newsticker package with the "Treeview" frontend.
Yes, I do know things like elfeed exist and they are better; no, I do not care about it.
probably full of weeb stuff reddit/nyaa/linux/github/mangaupdates/worldnewsstuff/twitter blahblah.

can your rss client even do basic sutff like filtering news? i.e if you want to remove articles which contain the word "webtoon" either in title or in the description from a mangaupdates manhwa feed, could you do it?
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Group Leader
Sep 17, 2018
probably full of weeb stuff reddit/nyaa/linux/github/mangaupdates/worldnewsstuff/twitter blahblah.

Not really.

can your rss client even do basic sutff like filtering news? i.e you want to remove articles which contain the word "webtoon" either in title or in the description from a mangaupdates manhwa feed

I don't know how much Newsticker can do since it's very simple and I do not need any particular feature in my peruse of RSS feeds. In the worst case one can probably use Emacs's functions to handle special cases.
Other readers like elfeed probably have the features you describe out of the box.
Double-page supporter
Jan 14, 2023
For me, it's Feedbro. I'm on the browser most of the time and since I prefer reading on the original site I don't need much past basic functionality, so browser addons have always been the way for me.
No tt-rss support, but who needs cross-device portability anyways, rule and OPML import/export works well enough </cope>
Jan 16, 2023
I just use Thunderbird. I like keeping my emails and tracking blogs & stuff in the same app, so that it's all visible. The only couple of complaints I have is that you have to enable a feature, so that it doesn't automatically pause RSS updates upon a 404 error (which happens sometimes in some services) and that it requires strict adherence to the spec & doesn't try to interpret misconfigured feeds. Also, it'd be nice to have a server to cache RSS feeds that expire quickly.
Aggregator gang
Dec 18, 2018
High amount of pretentiousness from this thread ngl
where do you get that from lol? aren't you the pretentious one for even pointing that out? at least read every single comment before commenting then highlight which are "pretentious"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
where do you get that from lol? aren't you the pretentious one for even pointing that out? at least read every single comment before commenting then highlight which are "pretentious"
Kinda pretentious for you to call him pretentious for addressing this thread as pretentious NGL.
Aggregator gang
Dec 18, 2018
Didn't Twitter disable their native feeds? Now it's only Nitter...
yeah, nitter. or just any website that have high release of news, eventually thunderbird's Virtual Folders will clutter the feed's list
Jan 16, 2023
RSS sucks
Bzzzzt, wrong. Companies discontinue RSS because they want to show you ads in the timeline. It's still used by the vast majority of blogs, forums, reddit and such. News sites and institutions. If you need to track many things across the web, RSS is the best solution. And it's the only possible solution.
Double-page supporter
Jan 14, 2023
yeah, nitter. or just any website that have high release of news, eventually thunderbird's Virtual Folders will clutter the feed's list
You can make feeds out of searches on Nitter, good trick for that rare webcomic that's tech savyy enough to build it's own site instead of using wordpress, yet not tech savvy enough for RSS and announces updates through twitter instead.

For a more concrete example if you wanted a feed for Mangadex's announcements, then this Nitter search would result in this feed. No unrelated tweets cluttering things up.

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