Run Away With Me, Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

May 7, 2019
I'm glad for an update but dear gods this is rough, hits pretty close to home with Midori being such a doormat it's ruining her life, KNOWING IT, and yet paralyzed to actually do anything about it.
Active member
Mar 23, 2019
@Xaelath yeah I'm with @Panino . She didn't do anything wrong, she's just weak and dumb. I hate her because of her shitty character flaws not because she got knocked up. She can fuck who ever she wants but at least stick up for yourself.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Thinking about it just now...
Maybe is not much, but growing with an absent mother had a formative effected in her personality that was already showing sings at that time. Maybe the reason why Midori got romantically involved with Maki had less to do with being a lesbian and actually liking her and more to do exploiting Maki's affection/infatuation to compensate for this.
That's why she ended getting involved with her groom. She was feeling alone waiting for someone to come and get her and fill that empty space in her and her groom happened to be this person. Because he had "ill" intentions from the beginning he put some additional effort to behave exactly the way she wished. When he revealed his true face it was too late.
Midori was just unlucky. If she had came across with someone that isn't double faced she would have had the fairy tale life she dreamed, while having the same issues, passing by almost unnoticed.

Midori abandoning her groom and Maki making a stand to be with her wouldn't solve all this.
Midori would still have the same issues that Maki would have to deal daily, along with her own confidence issues.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I had my hand on my temples the whole time, it is truly depressing to know that this things happen every day, people being forced to marry someone they don't truly love because otherwise their "partners" might not take responsability.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I had my hand on my temples the whole time, it is truly depressing to know that this things happen every day, people being forced to marry someone they don't truly love because otherwise their "partners" might not take responsability.
Mar 26, 2020
lol i mean sure the guy's kind of an asshole but imo midori is the real retard here
Apr 24, 2020
If you didn't wanna be lonely than why did you leave Maki you piece of shit. Seriously cannot stand her, beyond hatred.
Jul 28, 2020
if you are saying midori is stupid etc etc you really need to pay attention to the fucking reading and understand the characters better
Jan 26, 2018
god, it's like some of you don't have empathy for anyone unless they already have their life perfectly together. Midori is depressed and being self-destructive, which, yes, can hurt those around her, but that doesn't mean you abandon her and call her a bitch. People who have mental illnesses will unintentionally hurt others around them. It's not an excuse at all, but it's perfectly understandable why they would act that way, because they don't KNOW how to be better. When I was in the pit of depression I couldn't even fathom how to not be such a piece of shit and stop making bad decisions in my life. If no one had shown any empathy then, and just assumed that I was a bitch who deserved to suffer for not taking action and pulling myself out of my mental illness, then I wouldn't be here today. The point is that people make bad decisions but that doesn't necessarily make them bad people.
Aggregator gang
Aug 26, 2020
wait people is actually hating midori, holy shit. why.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
Reading this makes me realize the mistakes that I've made. I just take it all. I never really spoke that much. And it almost broke me.
Maaaan. If only I could turn back time. I'll give anything just for that wish.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
God ..... this is the type of person i hate the most hahaha ...... I've always been a throw my dick out and whatever happens happens type of dude so this wishy-washy types really get on my nerves.

I understand her though and i understand people like that and truth be told i just want to help her out, just want to tell her to start paying attention to who really matters, herself, and just scream out whats on her mind.

I also really understand her fear of being alone though its a cold and slimy feeling indeed but its way better then being berated and miserable at every second, just try and chill girl being alone aint that bad, theres always things to do to keep your fear away, learn to love yourself, your own person always comes in first.

Still come the fuck on girl .... you're pushed around way too easily, just like that? Pregnant and getting married just like that???? Jesus.

Im guessing shes bisexual then ? I thought she was a lesbian looking away from her feelings but no, at the beginning she really fell for the dude, more like shes just been waiting for someone to love her but in her childhood couldn't accept a gay relationship?

God im already pissed off an dreading the sadness to come.

Really looking for Maki to make a move after what you said?

It also seems like the dude was also fucking the friend at the same time? Welp i never really cared about the NTR since it was yuri and with our mc and this just makes me care less, so good i guess.
Jan 3, 2024
It's sucks when you have family, friends, or a partner, but still feel like loneliness eating you alive.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2023
people in the comments r so dumb. tf you mean "stick up for yourself"? research on the symptoms of depression dumbass

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