Gonna say it
LuaScans are better since they actually can put out chapters without problems i hope they keep at it if u got problems give the mantle to someone else
you do you, bud. if you've got the shakes and you need your manga fix so bad that you don't care about quality or accuracy, shoot on up.
translation quality and respect for the original work is what makes or breaks my enjoyment of a lot of series, personally. If I'd started reading LuaScans's translation of this at chapter 1, I seriously doubt I would've stuck with it.
...I wanted to compare their earlier chapters so I went to their site but what the fuck lmao? they didn't even translate the earlier shit, first 23 chapters on their site are actually speedcat releases. absolutely shameless.
even cringe snipers farming ad revenue with shit translations know quality when they see it, I guess. at least they kept the credit pages