Normally a chapter doesn’t resolve with no clues, at this rate those fairies should be dead in whatever experiment is being done, but I guess they won’t due to random delaying for no reason lol
The clue is that the captain is off on a "secret mission"
My guess is that the MC and the party are probably going to meet up with him at a tavern while they are eating, and he's dead beat drunk and spills the beans.
But again, that level of consistency would imply that the author is actually a good writer, so who knows...
When I look at this chapter RAW (because I can't read Japanese), I thought the fairy girls had disappeared because the MC party defeated the dungeon boss.
@Kaarme A (domestic) cat's sense of smell is only about twice that of a human. A dog's sense of smell is ~40 times that of a humans. While I have no idea what a Behemoth (kitten)'s sense of smell is like, I think it's safe to assume it's closer to a cats then a dogs.
Bonus fact. A cat's sense of taste is about one tenth that of a humans, and they can't taste sweet things.
@Arx724 Indeed. I feel like @panneqaha has misunderstood something. In fact you can find news articles suggesting that while cats have a worse absolute sensitivity than dogs, they might be able to differentiate between some smells better than dogs. The fact is, though, that since dogs can be trained and relied on, few people would be interested in studying a cat's sense of smell like one would study a dog's. That's why it's easier to find more reliable looking articles about dogs.
@yuthaa Well, I mean, the only ones who don't know, are the MC and his "party", and even that is just for the sake of "plot" (because otherwise they'd be fully aware of it too)