I'm a Curse Crafter, and I Don't Need an S-Rank Party!

Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
Dropped. MC is still an idiot after 18 chapters. Still can't realize the value of his artifacts, like, bruh?
Well I can understand it in a way.
I mean, no one buys his Cursed Items at the price of the Effect, they buy it at the price he is selling which is cheap, and most of the people don't know the value of the effects of those cursed items (custom items for the Blacksmith guild is like a contract work, so their pay is different, and they don't have extra effects either).

Plus, even if his products are good, they all come with a curse (even if a weak one, compared to the boosting effect), so sales are low already (primary value of MC isn't really his Cursed Items, but rather his Curse Dispell spell).

In all, almost everyone in this series is an idiot, in a way.
  • MC doesn't know the value of his items.
  • People doesn't value his Cursed Items and are stuck on the "design" aspect only.
  • The few people who understand the value of his Cursed Items have so far been quite about it.
Mar 19, 2020
This manga has some good points, but the bad points are seriously annoying.

The "S-rank" party he left is so pathetic that without him they are down around F-rank, which... just isn't feasible.
Even if he tripled their stats, an S-rank should have ten times the stats of an F-rank in these settings, so at most they should have gone down to high C-rank.

The MC goes through undead like a lawn mower goes through blades of grass, which is also too exaggerated. If this were a game, his Class would be wayyyy too imbalanced. It's OK for him to resolve their grudges and unfinished business, but it should take a few minutes per undead, at least.

Also, this is personal, but the LoTR references grate on me; there's a girl named Maura and another girl named Gimli, and I wince everytime I read those names and envision big-naturals!Frodo and Bikini!Gimli the dwarf.

If the author fixed those points, it would be a standard 7/10 exiled-from-party story, but as it is I gave it 5/10.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
I am thoroughly enjoying this and low key I am hoping Liznette joins the MC's harem as I am totally loving her design and character.

ONLY thing that annoys me is that we had to get denser than a brick wall protagonist trope and not only with his artifacts but in general. I mean Maura was almost literally begging him to be around him in any form or capacity and he's like "Nah bitch I am good" ignoring her...

Bruh srsly wtf? That is the only thing I am hating. Otherwise, super fun series so far.
Active member
Feb 24, 2023
It's was okay at first but now it's just too cringe with the princess and another region ruler ass bullshit
Sep 13, 2023
really liking this series and the translator, he's doing gods work as a side project, awesome dude
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
I think if you can stomach any of the usual 'OP MC gets kicked from party' plots then this should be tolerable even with how frustrating the MC is with his eccentric behavior. Unlike most other works in this genre he's not particularly concerned with the actual stats most of the time. In that regard, he is sort of a liability at his job. You see, he's an artist from start to finish and it's only his bizarre mentality which allows him to weave together curses that should rightfully hurt people into a final result that is almost all buff no penalty. But this does present a problem with relatability for anyone who doesn't appreciate that premise.

I do struggle with notion that someone somewhere wouldn't have made more of an effort to capitalize on his talents and focus him on more practical applications. We're seeing a bit of it now but I think it's way more subtle than it has any right to be with literally everyone realizing his tools are so valuable, aesthetic notwithstanding. I'm not even talking about the usual benefactor approach. The writers have set themselves up with a problem I'm not sure they're prepared to resolve with him being way too dangerous for anyone to leave alone to his own devices.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Honestly, this has gotten so hard to read, at first I was like hey this is interesting and such, but 10ch in, it started feeling so...cheap? I thought by now (20+ch in) the mc would at least get a bit of self awareness (with his interesting quirks being entertaining, like style and fashion sense) but it devolved into a dragged out dumpster fire at this point for me as I DESPISE the misunderstanding trope, not only is it so overused and cliche I want to barf, it's just such cheap writing, like instant ramen of writing at this point, why bother of thinking of a bunch of things and how characters and the world works if we can just say "hehe misunderstanding" to literally everything that happens, and no one bothers to just sit down for 10mins to explain shit to mc until he understands, but then you would need to actually put a though into the story, can't have that!

Tldr: interesting at first, but it got drawned out, boring, cliched and a dead end of a story. Feels like he author doesn't really know how or where to take the story and the pacings shit, the mc while quirky got boring real quick

Doesn't help that the current translation decided to cut chapters into multiple parts, which hurt any work, and really doesn't do any good to this one.dunno why that choice was made. Either to match what's being released or to inflate the #of chapters being tl'ed, just being lazy etc. One thing for sure, no one who likes the work they're working on would sabotage it like what's being done now and to many other titles.
Jun 29, 2023
Imagine if you divide 1 brain cell into a million.
That's how the mc brain is. It seems so devoted to making the mc think he's weak while he's stomping on other top tiers.
Mar 23, 2020
Doesn't help that the current translation decided to cut chapters into multiple parts, which hurt any work, and really doesn't do any good to this one.dunno why that choice was made. Either to match what's being released or to inflate the #of chapters being tl'ed, just being lazy etc. One thing for sure, no one who likes the work they're working on would sabotage it like what's being done now and to many other titles.

You are on a site where you need to read to enjoy the content and yet you can't bother to read the tl notes that the tl puts on the first page? Trying to insult the TLer while being lazy yourself is pretty trollish behavior.
Active member
Jul 23, 2020
Bruh how the F are you supposed to fight someone even the grim reaper is cautions about
Dec 6, 2023
This is a fun read :)
Hats off to the translator, your efforts are much appreciated :D
Active member
Nov 23, 2023
Nah not worth reading imo generic trope of mc not realizing his own potential and getting thrown out of his team. Was pretty fun at first but then stupidity reached when he thinks so little of what he can do. Also I hate the fl
Oct 22, 2019
Although the idea is promising but dumb and annoying characters ruined it for me. This is so appaling and horrible, 1/10.
Mar 23, 2020
I'm calling it, when the demon lord shows up, it will be a gal that will pounce on the MC. Probably something like, "Everyone misunderstood me, I just wanted a hug."
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
I thought at first he was a crucifier and nails his enemies to a cross or something.

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