Sachiiro no One Room

Jan 27, 2020
Wow and I thought it was messed up but I actually finish it all in one go.......this is real life sh*t this story!! T^T
Oct 30, 2020
At first I really thought that the MC is pedo... But when the time he confess or tell what is the exactly reason... I immediately felt guilty about it...

Warning both of them are Hypocrite haha before the 'finding out the true intention situation'
Sep 8, 2020
I really hope that the ending is different from the drama. I didn’t like the drama they changed so many things and it weird. If u haven’t watched the drama the don’t watch it you will only waste your time. I love the manga 💯 times better than the drama.
Jun 23, 2019
Sachi and masked dude are attached to each other because of their situation but ik the relationship (obviously) is not healthy at all. Sadly I think the best ending will be them splitting and getting help. What sachi needs most is clearly to go with the oji-san (sorry I forgot his name even tho I love him) since he’ll truly understand what she’s been through and give her proper help. As for mask dude, I honestly don’t know and that’s what’s bothering me. I feel like he might die or go to prison (lowkey as he should) even tho what I think he really needs is help cause his problems are so deeply rooted that he seems completely fine on the outside. Psychological manga really always fuck me up cause I want an ending that works out for everyone (which is why I’m a sucker for cheesy shojo manga) but ik it can’t happen and now I’m hooked 😖

And I love how everyone below is beefing lollll. It’s pretty simple, if you think it’s wack to the point where you can’t bear to read, then leave cause that’s what I do and it always works. If ur hooked and can’t give up, keep reading, but don’t hate since you signed up for this when you clicked the next button knowing something fucked up will probably happen. And if you like it don’t force your opinions on others, everyone has a preference. it’s as simple as that 😌
Oct 30, 2020
I hate to read on going stories but this story made me curious so I took the risk lol now i cant wait for the next vol. It only took 5 hours for me to finish until ch 43. Thank you for your hard work! I
Apr 9, 2020
do you guys think it would be possible to ask a different scanlator to pick up the series?
Active member
Nov 7, 2020
You're not prepared, you think you are prepared... but you're not. I've caught up to the most recent update and I'm still not prepared.
Double-page supporter
Nov 3, 2020
@NasojJason yeah she got raped by the creepy teacher at her school if you remember him. The one that Facemask rescued her from?

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