Saike Mata Shite mo - Vol. 9 Ch. 82 - A Special Existence

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
What a guilty tripping hypocrite. Wht's wrong with not being as everyone else? What's wrong with having something no one else can replicate? To be afraid of your own ability and give up on it because you fear you'll never be accepted, it's your own cowardice speaking louder than you. Not because the guy who can still use his ability wants to feel special. Also to hell with cowardly humans who can't accept difference.
Hopefully I don't think the author meant to say that the coward prick was right, I think the author just wanted to have further developement for the character. Like someone else said here, these powers here were pretty much given by nature itself. These powers belong to YOU. It can be interpreted as a kind of evolution. To give up on that is to give up on change and we all know how that can be detrimental to a person.
Jun 10, 2018
Seriously...? Since when has self-sacrifice become a flaw? Last I checked, people who risk or give up their lives for the sake of helping others are regarded as... well, heroes, instead of idiots being "selfish". Not sure what you are getting at here.

As for the kid's reasoning, it stands on shaky legs, to put it mildly. You could similarly say that the weak will never get along with the strong, the smart will always be at odds with those who are not so mentally gifted, etc. etc. It sounds to me like, as he himself admitted, simple fear - and little else. It seems he has been regarded as weak for so long, that now when he acquired the ability to become strong, he has no idea what to do with it or how to handle it. A shame.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018
His motivations are not all good. Self-sacrifice is good, his intentions are good. but it comes from a self-centered place. We literally get from his own thoughts that he has a boner for playing the hero, he sells himself that way to the select few that he can confide, and for someone that supposedly cares so much for his friends he doesnt mind giving them pain by dying at all. worse is he didnt even truly think about mikan when he was willing to die. Did he forgot that the whole reason he got his power was due to his connection to her?
You can see from the very first chapter that Saike is a weirdo that got a lot of room to grow. I think he lost himself in this role of hero because his life had no true direction before. The next step in growing is realizing that the hero part is a step in his growth and not the end.

and yeah, the kid is a wimp and I do think a lot of it came from him being controlled by his own fears.
I dont think saike should get rid of his power, but I think he should learn to use it more responsibly (jesus christ how many accidents happen in that town anyway?). He has a tremendous saviour complex, part of growth is realizing that you cannot change the world, the world does not care about you.
Jun 10, 2018
People in general want to give their lives some sort of meaning, whether it is about climbing to the top of the corporate ladder, being successful in sports, or something else. They are willing to go to great lengths and make great sacrifices to accomplish such a goal. Saike feels that helping other people is what gives his life meaning; that is not more (and actually less) self-centered than all the others.
I would be more willing to consider the "selfishness" of his way of life if he was doing something like skydiving or whatever where the risk is substantial and there is little benefit to others, but in this case, I do believe saying that Saike should not help others the way he does because him dying would cause some people pain is actually a more selfish standpoint, since it ignores the numerous people being helped by Saike everyday, and concentrates only on the few who could (potentially) be hurt by his actions.

I'm not sure what you mean by "the world does not care about you", but I would hesitate to call someone giving up on changing the society around him "growth". If you think you can't change the world, you probably really can't. But there are those (precious few) who thought otherwise and succeeded.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018
I think you are missing the point of what I wrote. He's drunk on his power.

as for changing the world.... eh, no people cant. You cant change the very nature of man. To think otherwise is foolishness. Not even disputable. Extreme majority of activist groups are exactly that, just fools.
You can affect part of a society, you cant change the world, that's something different. (though a lot of people deceive themselves into thinking otherwise).

How many have really changed something in the world? extreme few, and a lot didnt even mean to.
What can I think of? maybe creators of the internet, but originally it was supposed to be just a communication system used by the US army.
As for more political stuff a lot of it comes to the way you can set narratives and control information + change over time + accumulated societal stress over an issue rather than X people did a protest and things magically changed (there tends to be an exaggeration of the importance of some personalities, often the personalities are a byproduct of the time rather than the magical solution). Slavery is a good example, and its not even eradicated in full, there are still African and middle eastern countries that pratice it, and from time to time you find out cases in first world countries like spain (though illegal ofc).
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
I hate these outcomes. "Oh, Protag and Antag are the same because, at a very basic and simplified stand point, they are the same" but no. There's a LOT of differentiation between both their motives. Most often they're extremely blatant and distinct between each side's motives and goals, especially in this series. Johann wants to literally cause genocide to conquer the new generation of Oracles. Saike just wants no discrimination against Oracles, which should be absolutely expected because the appearance of Oracles isn't an optional phenomenon, it's natural and arbitrary, it's almost like racism. I understand the fact that people will always be afraid of the unknown and over powering, but that's literally what Saike is trying to change.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
If Saike was smarter this wouldn't phase him at all lol.

But then again if he was smarter this story would be very different....


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018

Yes your the same, you weirdo! You don't need godly powers to help others, you'd think he get that since the first time he stop being a loser bitch and helped someone he did it without powers. Plus you got that giant brain of yours with 300 IQ and friendship power so who cares about the oracle, lulz.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Wait, so a portion of motivation is more important than what you do?

Two people want to run for office.
One wants to pass discriminatory laws to increase power for their base.
The other wants to reduce poverty and create jobs by repairing roads or something.

Yeah, totally the same.

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