@Sep10trion I don't remember if they ever said who did it, but he is a hero. Something cursed him so he couldn't gain access to his capabilities as a hero class.
Should've have asked the usual price to appraisal one item, then demand like 1.5x times of that, MC
Pretty sure he really ripped you off by merely giving what, 1k gold? when with that amount of items it'd be enough to profits like, 100x of that
"He's a good person, though," says our protagonist of a slave-trader with zero moral compunctions—we already know he keeps little girls in cages and trades sex slaves.
WTFH? o.o;;
Sometimes isekai authors really throw me for a loop in whatever moral blind spots their personal fantasies have given them. I admit I had thought this series was (ever so slightly) classier than that but there you go.
That bad writing aside, I am amused that our meatcake Claude effectively gets bikini armor, with the "it's magic so don't worry about all that exposed skin" stock excuse.