Is the anime worth watching? How much further past this point does it go without any spoilers?Honestly just speed running the manga until it catches up to where the anime left off lol
give or take i assume by around ch 30-40 its close to where the anime endedIs the anime worth watching? How much further past this point does it go without any spoilers?
Well, there is something called pawn promotion that make them queen if you want to. Imagine having two queens because of it. But, I'm not sure about Shogi.If this dude answers with anything other than the pawn, I'm gonna give up...
Lmao yeah. She got that installed inside her headThis is unfair, cuz she got future sight.
In shogi every piece except equivalent of rooks and bishops turn into 'gold generals', basically move like kings except they can't go back diagonally. Promoted rooks and bishops still keep their base moves but also can move like kings as well. So it would be a toss up between those two.Well, there is something called pawn promotion that make them queen if you want to. Imagine having two queens because of it. But, I'm not sure about Shogi.