Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tensei-ki ~Geboku no Youkai-domo ni Kurabete Monster ga Yowasugiru n da ga~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 4, 2019
I was about to comment about navi but goddamn guys, you never are happy with either spine or spineless MC.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
I am very happy. I haven't seen anyone complain about MC either, just disagreeing about what he is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
While its true that psychopaths like things that serve their interests, Seika never said or thought about using Efi to fulfill his goals. Additionally, are you talking about ASPD here or Psychopath? ASPD is a broad term that includes Psychopath, Sociopath, and mild Anti Social Personality Disorder. While I do agree he probably has some form of ASPD. I completely disagree he is at the far end of the spectrum that he would be considered a psychopath. Also, I will add that while coldly calculative could be considered a part of ASPD (Ill have to ask my coworker) that does not mean they are out right a psychopath.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2020
I got a feeling that wandering as a traveler would've led him into his ideal life, abandoning his family. However, with responsibility also comes power
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
the mc could just leave the househld and go down the normal route of becoming an adventure (if they a exist in this manga) and becoming the strongest but instead went down the school route.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Medically speaking, the diagnoses psychopath and sociopath don't exist. They are both just ASPD. And of course ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder) includes mild Anti-Social Personality Disorder. A bit redundant. The fact that we never saw him think like a psychopath means nothing. We don't see all of his thoughts, after all. He does act like a psychopath would, which is quite enough for me.
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
Finally a main character that doesn’t make an excuse to “hide” his powers
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
So, I wonder if anyone in the village died or were injured before his Father drove it away towards the mansion? It almost ate that maid and slave girl, makes me think everyone on it's path before that are dead. Our MC was responsible for that cause he wanted to go to a magic school when he doesn't even use magic... Really? Tell me again why we are supposed to like this guy?
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
In my opinion, I won't say the MC is a psychopath, sociopath or whatever because that, as far as I know, are more modern designations to mental diseases, from what I read and saw, while considering the entire setting:

1st: The Mc is an Onmioji, and according to Wikipedia: Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination. Their court responsibilities ranged from tasks such as keeping track of the calendar, to mystical duties such as divination and protection of the capital from evil spirits. They could divine auspicious or harmful influences in the earth and were instrumental in the moving of capitals. It is said that an onmyōji could also summon and control shikigami.

2nd: The MC world has all those spirits in flesh and bones, so we can consider him as some sort of spirit hunter, he was a master of a 'spirit hunter' dojo, but then according to what he said in the first chapter the Imperial court branded him as a traitor while his disciples were being held, hostages. So he had enough influence to be considered a threat to, what apparently is feudal Japan, so we can consider him as also being a Samurai or so, so he had at least some noble standing in his past life

As an example of what happened in this comment section, it would be like saying that George Washington was a psychopath for crossing the Delaware River in winter with the British Armada patrolling the river because that plan put the lives of hundreds of American soldiers at enormous risk

3rd: He's calculative and very self-restrained something completely opposite to a sociopath, but he at same time has a lot of restrains and empathy to be a psychopath. Because for the three categories of psychopathy he doesn't fit in any of those:
One includes lacking fear, high confidence and social assertiveness. He doesn't show fear because he has experience on his side, and he isn't overconfident, nor he imposes his social standing

another type includes poor impulse control and lack of restrains, two things that he shows the complete opposite

the last one includes lack of empathy, lack, and disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty for self-empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority and destructive seek of excitement, again he shows empathy (to Efi and his older brother), has close attachments to Efi (so much that when his plan ends up almost injuring her, he rushes in to save her), he only used his powers to scare his brother once, he didn't defy his father, and he doesn't seek excitement by doing evil deeds, the only part he truly fits in the use of the exploit of his family tradition

So from what I read and quickly researched, he's way too far for being a psychopath, at best he lacks deeper emotions because of his past life and what it required of him, something we don't know about
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
As an example of what happened in this comment section, it would be like saying that George Washington was a psychopath for crossing the Delaware River in winter with the British Armada patrolling the river because that plan put the lives of hundreds of American soldiers at enormous risk
Untrue. Soldiers are not the same as innocents. Whatever the consequences for desertion, the option is still there. MC brought danger into the home of innocents. Completely different situation.

I'll just have to disagree. Like I've stated, psychopaths are not all monsters. They can live somewhat normal lives, with somewhat normal relationships. True, anything he did for Efi could be out of empathy. But it could just as easily not be. It also served his selfish purposes; having a loyal servant. The fact that he drove a monster into town doesn't paint him in a good light, so I'll stick with the latter.
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
@cor3zone Well, as far as the manga show, he didn’t bring the monster to a town, instead he it brought to the mansion and by the looks of it, it’s a mansion with a forest in its terrain, so at worst the only innocents are the mansion servants, not the townspeople, the way he treats Efi at beginning is more to remove suspicion about her powers, and by the end is more like a friend than a servant considering that he has been interacting with her for 3 years, history shows that nobody needs to be a psychopath to make use of others to gain something for themselves, and Machiavel even says that for one to be a longtime ruler he needs to be able to make use of others, and again we need to consider his past life, because by the looks of it he could very well have experienced things like this one

So again, for me it looks like that he had the experience from his past life to go with that course of action, because his past self is from a feudal Japan, gives a ninja kind of vibe, and was pretty dangerous, so he certainly is used to see people dying whether he likes it or not
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
Lol he's great...schemingly great! And that second brother of his is a disgrace for the family not only he failed as a human being he failed too as a noble, he break his own word and he can't see the this point keeping him like that and letting him join the imperial army would disgrace the family more, they should try to reeducate him...
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
@cor3zone I believe you should read again and this time pay extra attention to the servant line because here's what she says: "A large monster appeared near the city, your father managed to repeal it with his fire magic, but it fled into the forest if it runs along the mountain, there's a chance it will end up here" (last panel from page 10 and first panel from page 11)

Now on page 38 in the MC's thought bubble <you just happened to there when the monster showed... "you were only able to defeat it by chance!!!"> and he says that it was anything but chance

See that in both lines the chance was about the chance of the monster going to the mansion, and again on page 38 we can see black smoke coming out of the monster in the last panel with the spirits surrounding it, he defeated with a wand, not with the spirits so when he said that he set his spirit on the mountain, it was to drive out a monster out to the forest and towards the mansion, not the city. So by what you say that he made a monster attack the city then the servant line should've been:
"A large monster appeared near the city, your father managed to repeal it with his fire magic, but it fled BACK into the forest if it runs along the mountain, there's a chance it will end up here"

See the word 'back' in there, that would make it clear that it was his fault, but it isn't, now what you said about him putting citizens at risk is invalid, because what happened in the city was truly by chance, the monster ending up at the mansion was his deed
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
The servant doesn't know MC drove it out of the mountains in the first place, so why would what he said matter in the slightest? The facts are:
- The monster turned up at the city first, got repelled and only then reached the mansion.
- MC admitted to driving the monster out of the forest.

MC drove the monster out, it attacked the city. MC's father drove the monster away, it attacked the mansion. MC quite literally had nothing to do with the monster reaching the mansion, that part was pure chance. MC defeating it wasn't chance, which is what MC referred to. MC intentionally put an entire city at risk, so he could play the hero. You get a lot of things backwards, I'm not even going to bother with you anymore.

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