She's such a reliable fire watcher.
She seems so proud that he wouldn't listen to her.
Bravely hiding behind, I mean, making sure the rock is also safe.
That warrior on page 13 (labeled 16) looks like he'd fit on a metal cover. Spiky helmet and a pro wrestler champion belt. Though he is wearing a side arm, which is unusual, since characters almost always only have a single weapon and maybe a dagger.
The thing about those walls is that normally you wouldn't have the crenellations on the inside.
Guy looks like your average thug. Behaves like one, too.
Someone being a slave doesn't mean they're a runaway slave. Taking someone away, if she's not a runaway slave, is either kidnapping or theft. And I doubt he has the authority to force anyone to do anything.
What's with his tongue not being able to retract?
He was holding back. He's still alive.
"He started it," is indeed not an excuse for anyone older than a small child. "Self defence," on the other hand
might be.
Such an insignificant fool should have done with within three panels.
In particular since nothing original was done about him.