Let's get two things straight.
1 Thanks for the release.
2 Translating can be very hard. So changing an English title to its Japanese title may leave your mark.
This manga was originally release with a English title. For a long time til now. Up til chapter 7, multiple groups where creating releases. We are on chapter 23 now. I save the chapters under the title name. When I backup, name changes require delete the other, save the new name. I have seen many title wars between groups. Back n forth, back n forth.
Let's go with this. At least 90% of manga on MD is in Japanese. All the translation groups need at least one translator who understands Japan culture and language. (Sorry machine trans does cut it. Unless it's Korean for some reason) I am all for titles under the language of origin. Manga from Russia, China and Korea smartly 99% of the time use English titles. I am all for being consistent.
Life under current MD Rules/Regs/Culture is relaxed, laid back. Petty little wars over titles we don't need. if "Daddy, Scan me Harder!" wishes to continue with this manga, as they have. I am all for the name change.
I am not trying to berate or belittle any translation group or person. Just venting my frustration at another name change.
The problem you describe has been a thing long before mangadex, and I'm pretty sure before batoto too (the predecessor to mangadex's effective use before they got turned into whatever they are now).
Simply put, I don't understand the need for destructive changes. Mangadex in particular has loads of alternative titles and the ability to show actual native JP titles and romanized titles. Nevermind alternative translated titles.
But for some reason, those that adjust titles here do things like changing the title to official localized name only. Or perhaps from a translated English title to romanized JP (or even the other way around). Two things I don't mind happening, but for the former, it usually is done while completely erasing an unofficial translated title thats been used for a long time. Which makes searching for it on this site itself sometimes impossible. For the latter, the change is forced upon everyone, and there's currently no choice between translated English and romanized JP. I wish that was simply an additional option: display titles in English, romanized JP, or perhaps your language of choice if available. And I guess for you specifically, the forced name change also is a nuisance to your local backups.
It's frustrating to see happen, especially on this site which should be able to accomodate for nearly everything (barring perhaps your local backups auto naming). But I suppose there's not much that can be done with everyone's different ideals.