@Leonkristoffer if I’m not mistaken, it’s because of the artist’s release schedule. The ch 20 raw just came out so it seems this is one of those adaptations that gets published in a slow dribble.
He was a hero, but you turned him into your enemy, so he became the Demon Lord.
He's evil, you say? Well, you're worse than evil, since you created that evil yourself. You can blame yourself for that.
"Mama, when will daddy come home? It's been weeks since the last time we all eat dinner together...."
Said little timmy to his teary eyed mom who is a sweatshop worker, grunt soldier's wife and now by the justice*heh* slash from mc, a newly made widow.
My sympathy for mc goes out of the window the moment he took his fellow human's life( that probably have a mug behind that iron helmet that is uglier and got a tougher life than the mc). Author should have make mc a true orc from the start.
You mean those pure and rainbowy monsters won't do the same atrocity when they're in the position of power? Considering all those bloodshed that have been and will be shed, I highly doubt there will be a status quo between them.
at best, the leftover humies probably going to stay in zoo, lobotomized.
But then again, I have no issue about who is or will oppressing who, but more with the mc not even batting his eyelashes when killing those grunt soldiers, just because he was bullied(boo hoo) by his villagemates.
Hell, some of those grunts probably sympathetic to his cause(since they've fight together at the frontline with mc in the last war to defeat the demon lord, y'know cameraderie and stuffs) but can't do jack shit because they don't have any mc power and have to continue licking the smelly commander's ass just to keep fire in his kitchen lit.
Immersion-wise, it would be better if the mc is truely an orc.
For your immersion. In this story it's about what if the hero was on the monsters' side. They are in a war. He has chosen to go with one side since the other offered him nothing and wanted to kill him after he had done his task. And where in the story have we been shown that humans sympathise with monsters.
You can complain about soldiers being killed but blaming the enemy combatant who has better gear than you is just misplaced. He is an enemy combatant here with allegiance to the monsters. He may have started as a hero and is a human but why should that take precedence over his current goals.
@megagen let's just say war never changes, if humans where to erradicate the monsters the who will be the next in line for domination?? Humans ate greedy, lustful, prideful, envyous of/for others