I don't know if i should focus more on the match or the badonkas
Ritz 100% thinks you should focus on the melons
Anyway yeah it's absolutely insane for ANY character in this manga to call a single woman "miss boobs". Nodoka may have been the original but she literally doesn't even have the biggest ones anymore.
Also I do find it funny whenever we're reminded that Nodoka canonically just plays bleeding edge Game-Theory Optimal Mahjong (as shown by her online performance) but that these characters live in a world where live mahjong is governed by magical powers. The characters with magical powers apparently get CONFUSED by her play, because she's not using any magical powers herself, she just seemingly plays the optimal move at any given time, given her available knowledge of the dora, her hand, and everyone's discards.
In another universe, Nodoka would be going toe to toe with Akagi. In this universe, she is just fighting to show that normal humans can hold their own against Gamble Magic.