Saotome Senshu, Hitakakusu - Vol. 10 Ch. 110 - Saotome Senshu, Fight On

Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@el_ilm yea its changing but too bad those companies are still run by old men so it will be a while, hopefully not too long.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I'll never understand Japan's obsession with "image." It extends beyond girls and young women into adult men being blacklisted from industries for marijuana charges.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
The reader is supposed to want saotome to be happy, thus anything getting in the way of that is supposed to be seen as evil, therefore you are supposed to see the principal as evil. Once she makes it to the national stage then the mayor and principal will lose their power and thus if she kisses him on national tv and says "this victory is all thanks to my boyfriend" then bam, if they try to forbid it they will look stupid for trying to weaken their fighter.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 13, 2018
Nop. Don't say anything.
Is not worth it.


Feb 14, 2019
We're missing the important part!
What are her abs going to be like after training with Abs-cop?
Mar 6, 2019
I don't get the hate for this arc. It was mentioned from the first fucking chapter that something like this would happen and it is good thing it is solved now and not in final chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
"Don't worry, I wont steal you away from him"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This is such a stupid arc.
An idol is her image. That's what people are buying into. They're not called idols for nothing. And an important part of that image is not having relationships. Idol fans aren't looking for the cesspit of relationship drama that every other kind of celebrity seems to get involved in; that's part of the point.

Saotome isn't an idol. She is a boxer. Her product is boxing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Who drops a manga just for introducing conflict? I'm upset, but I know I'm supposed to be feeling upset. We all know things are going to get better.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Liar @Jepze
Because this "conflict" feels out of place and artificial. Ever since the mayor and the principle were introduced, they acted as prime sources of drama, and it was never established as to why they have so much power over the girl.
They genuinely treat her like their slave, as if she signed a contract with them, when none of that was ever made clear.
Personally, I am not going to drop the story because of it <_< But I can totally get it. This conflict feels like a complete asspull, just drama for the sake of drama, with no depth or meaning to it. It's a sign of shitty writing, that the author has no more ideas, so some random crap was thrown in in an attempt to stir the pot.
Jan 18, 2018
What a bunch of pussies in comments who read sport drama with romance and comedy manga suddenly complains about drama in it. It was foreshadowed since chapter 3 where principal and his sister were introduced, and no it's not worse than romantic drama, done gazilion times in other manga.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@Solipsist I disagree that this conflict is “out of place” and I chalk it down to inattentive readers(probably distracted by abs😄) or poor reading comprehension.

Since the early chapters(let’s say inside the first ten chapters)this has always been a concern. Why else would MC and FMC go so far in keeping their relationship a secret? Someone couldn’t spell it out any clearer.

Second, Asian countries like Japan, Korea, and China do have a problem with the way they treat their idols. I know what you wanna say “Cmon man she’s not an idol, she’s just a highschool boxer”. Yes that’s true but she is an idol in her community. I mean if the mayor is paying attention to your career that she even wants to get involved that’s a pretty big deal. So she may not have signed any contracts but she is perceived as an idol so they’re people who feel her “purity” image has to be protected.

The author adding this is probably a form of social commentary to how things work in Japan and if people are dropping it cause of this conflict the author added then I suggest they re-read early chapters or educate themselves on idol culture in Japan.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I can write up a storm about all that you wrote. But let's keep it simple.
1. "This conflict is merely a repetition of what happened before, so no surprise there." -- I fail to see your point. What I said was, since day 1, those two characters were full of shit. I don't care that this scenario was merely following an earlier comma.

2. You seem to misunderstanding something, or managed to assume something almost everyone else in the comments section didn't.
The "people's perception of her" was never a problem, or a concern. The main issue was: the principle's and mayor's greed.
They want to exploit a local talent, and do everything they can to capitalize on her image, that they created.
Notice the phrasing here: THEY created her image, THEY protect that image. The problem? Why should anyone else care about those two fuckwits? We were never given a solid reason as to why the girl genuinely needs to put up with that level of harassment, even if she "wants to go to the olympics". Literally nobody ever asked her why she puts up with it.

If the author actually wanted to say anything about idol-culture, they sure did a lousy and terrible job, seeing how we can't understand why the girl even needs to put up with those two morons.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Oh man, I hate it when manga have drama that's just plain unbelievable. Especially when it's not a drama heavy manga.

Bunch of bureaucratic cunts getting this stirred up is just ridiculous.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
That's the whole point, man. We all know that this is a result of the greedy of the Principal and the Mayor. We're even shown that the high schoolers don't care all that much. They're only paying attention to it because it's a "scandal." From where I'm sitting, it's clear as day that the Principal and the Mayor are in the wrong, and that the conflict involved is meant to illustrate how ridiculous it is for them trying to manage Saotome's life like this.

Furthermore, you just can't claim this came out of the blue. The Boxing Teacher knew the two kids liked each other, paired them up, and asked them to keep it a secretly because she knew exactly that this is how the Principal and Mayor would react. We're just reaching the point where that conflict is referenced again. I understand if people are hesitant to get into this sort of thing, but, come on, it's not like we're going to get a bad ending out of it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
From my perspective, the point is so simple that I find it difficult to talk about it to such length, I'm even getting myself confused here, kek.
I can agree with everything you said, but I wouldn't say I actually care for it. From the start of the story, all I did was to say: "The principal and mayor are plain unejoyable characters, that almost every time they appear on stage, they drag down the manga's enjoyability down to the bloody drain. I don't want them here."

From that starting point, all I can do is try to explain why they are not enjoyable characters, and why I feel they are not only in bad taste, but also a result of horrible, shitty writing. What @Yautja wrote, among many, is an example of that.
Nobody cares that they "existed from the beginning, it is obvious they'll appear again". We simply don't want them here. The thought is so simple I find it staggering we even have a debate over it.

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