Saraba, Yoki Hi - Vol. 6 Ch. 19

Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
i forgot how depress this manga was

still good after all these year

thanks for the chapter
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
I thought this day would never come where we would get a new chapter :') thank you
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
Tamaki's actions definitely was justified, it should've been the other way around and the mother being the one actually meeting them and asking for forgiveness. Especially since she was the one who cheated and went MIA for both her and her dad after all and putting her dad into depression. I think dad's too kind, but hopefully he'll realize Tamaki is in the right here and ask their mom to be the one to act and meet them not the other way around.

Also nice to know someone picked this up, while I was blazing through chapters. Thanks
Dec 10, 2020
Honestly why do i get the feeling that the dad thought tamaki might need a change of pace, thus her moving to fukuoka would grant her a breather, more chance of job hunting or maybe starting her career life anew in different place (well fukuoka or anywhere might just do, buy then he stumbled upon the odd that her mother is there wanting to "reconcile"), instead of staying with the "likely useless" him, seeing her failing those interviews which he felt he couldnt really be any help of

Dangit dad why u gotta shove that mother stuffs before you're asking your daughter's current feelings, like dont you know she is hella sensitive with that topic, what's the hurry (uh oh dad u susp, u dying??)

Thanks for the chap '-')7
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2024
Huh? Did everything he said not register with Tamaki? I get Tamaki’s perspective, but the Dad is right. It is not like he is forcing her either, he just gave her options to consider. I don’t think he’d blame Tamaki for not wanting to see her Mom but at the same time I don’t think he’d want Tamaki resenting her mother for the rest of her life. That is a very normal feeling that could be felt even without loving or caring for the person who cheated on you. I’d say it actually helps Tamaki finally release the resentment and move on.

So her reaction is really odd to me here, maybe next chapter she’ll realize she overreacted and I just wrote this for no reason. If not, then I don’t get her reaction.

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