Saraba, Yoki Hi


Feb 3, 2018
While incest typically rubs me the wrong way, this story is quite refreshing and heart-warming. I recommend.
Group Leader
Feb 9, 2018
This is such a beautiful series. I just wish the images weren't so blurry -- overuse of Topaz, perhaps? Would be great if the scanlator could fix this and make them sharper.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I love surprise incest.

Still, worthless MMC is worthless. I won't be following.

Also, because MMC is worthless, this strikes me far more as seinen than josei.
Jul 5, 2018
i love the art and, the story is unexpected, i like the part when the authors talk about the LGBT, it's quite sad for the boy. but the incest part mmmmmmh it's a little too much, it would be okay if they where cousin but... and the other thing i don't like is the useless main character, his type kind of annoying me, move your ass dude you need to grow a little. I know these are flashback but i don't want the 2 of them to be together, i hope after the flashback we will see some development for the mmc, and the sister. i hope they'll grow, by finding happiness with someone else(it's the right thing to do). and i hope the gay one and her friend( the blond) will find it too. i know these kind of manga you expect the incest ending but it's not good... (it's my opinion so don't judge me).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
Want the plot just go with common moral ? let them find happiness in someone else ? that easy, just write some word, done.
But no, so what the point anyways ? just solve the way you want it to be because it just fiction ? It ok if they are cousin ? So just write a normal couple in the first place then ?
In this incest topic, it's wrong yes. but you can't stop feel love. gay back in the day is sin too. do it ok if there is no degenerate problem ?
who decide is it right or wrong ? I don't know if they should stop. I don't know if they should together. it so cruel just be in the situation.
Mar 24, 2018
(it's my opinion so don't judge me)

Not judging your opinion. This however:

i like the part when the authors talk about the LGBT


Great line, good job. I don't know what compels others to flaunt their wokeness by slipping those little things in, even when there's no real point to them. As far as i remember, only one character was LGBTQIA (you got it wrong you regressive nazi monster, you left out some minorities), and "ze" (lol) didn't even get that much development. Personally i find people getting excited over those themes presence disgusting, but hey, that's just me. It's not like you're treating them like your "pet homos" to feel good about yourself, right?
Oct 1, 2018
I wish there was an incest tag (since apparently that's so popular in japan idk why the stereotype is only for rednecks they eat this shit up for 3 volumes long at least) so I could have avoided this bullshit. It's obvious the author (and everyone who fetishize incest) is using it as "surprise! Plot twist :) weird romance :) I'm so different :)" yes the art is pretty but this is really not worth to even be fake woke about. This is so annoying.
Oct 1, 2018
Also @mikegnesium mate you ok? It looks like you're having a mental breakdown over someone's harmless opinion even calling them disgusting. Sort your own issues out first.
Mar 24, 2018
@Tylenol wrote [all the quoted shit below]:

someone's harmless opinion

I wouldn't call using others to give yourself mental bust "harmless". It's degrading. Therefore, i'll call it as i see it.

Sort your own issues out first.

Back at you bucko:

It's obvious the author (and everyone who fetishize incest) is using it as "surprise! Plot twist :) weird romance :) I'm so different :)" yes the art is pretty but this is really not worth to even be fake woke about. This is so annoying.

That word mashup reeks of narcissism and some illusions of self-grandeur. You seem to think to have all the answers, even when the only obvious thing here is that you didn't read past the first chapter. Great job. But hey, having strong opinions without research is so prevalent in manga "community", that at this point it's not even worth mentioning.

...also, learn editing posts. Because you can do that. This thread doesn't have to look like the trash bin that is the inside of your head.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
The point of incest plots, as with most "forbidden love" plots whether gay or incest or whatever, is not generally "fetish" as such. Sure, sometimes, in your more "ecchi" oriented manga. But mostly, the point is that fiction usually requires conflict to hold attention. In a romance, love that's forbidden/taboo has a built in conflict that can either drive or at a minimum add a layer to the plot. In the earlier courtship phases the relative rarity of the type of attraction heightens the likelihood that attraction will not be shared, while its taboo nature means that revealing the attraction comes with heightened risks, higher stakes. In the later, mutual love, stages the taboo nature of the relationship creates conflict between the lovers and the rest of the world--family, friends, society. They will have problems from hiding or problems from others resisting their relationship.

So overall, it's just easier to make a forbidden love into a good story.
Aug 6, 2018
Any discussion about it is retarded.

Everyone knows that incest is gross and that the people who obsess over it are depraved. There’s no ifs, ands, buts, or justification of any kind. Literally none, it’s called a taboo for a reason. And, unlike other things previously considered taboo, for instance, homosexuality, something like incest actually carries with it extreme consequences for those involved and those who are spawned from it. Romanticizing something that represents the most sickening parts of humanity is no better than romanticizing something equally damaging to humanity, like pedophilia or any other sexual abuse.

Any kind of argument about this would just go on into infinity, so this entire thread and everyone in it, including myself, is and are worthless.

Good night, and I hope any sleazy people reading drivel like this stay a good distance away from their younger siblings.

Edit: “Forbidden love is romantic” is the copout answer and is deflecting any kind of disgust by pretending that it’s okay since they acknowledge it is generally forbidden.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Can't anybody here be like the hentai page comments? nobody gives a F**k and just's enjoy the ride???????????????
Feb 8, 2019
Please enlighten me on why incest is gross or disgusting before making such claims. As long as they avoid bearing a child, which may have genetic defects, with semi-permanent contraceptive measures, I have no problem with it.
Mar 1, 2018
I keep meaning to start reading this, so it's nice to see it crop up with a chapter update as a reminder! Thank you HPS~ <3
Fumino-sensei has a real eye and heart for character study and development if their other series has proved anything. Handling the story, characters, and premise with respect is why I think I find this series so enticing and tragic considering the content.
Group Leader
Dec 9, 2018
@Mimik youre a fucking retard who does know shit about genetics and ethics. acording to REAL scientists the chance of a child with defects is increased by roughly 5-7 percent and thats lower than normal children where the parent are smokers, drinker or have defects and cancer running in the family.
Scientificly there is nothing wrong with it.
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
@TetsuyaLP It's fine to criticize someone's argument and it's okay to be moderately vulgar, but starting off your argument with an obscenity-laced personal attack isn't, as it goes against Rule 5.1. Feel free to check the rules and consider stepping away from the keyboard from a bit and then reviewing your post before pounding on the Submit button.

Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
@Mimik You're welcome to criticize tropes, plots, and kinks/fetishes. If it's not for you, that's fine. It's not fine to shame readers who happen to like what you don't. Try to be a bit more thoughtful in your argument next time.


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