Sasameki Koto

Mar 24, 2018
Felt in love with it because of a specific panel / splash in chapter three (you probably know which one i'm talking about).

People tend to bitch about the pacing, angst and the author's gender (!), but personally i don't get it - in the end the story is beautiful.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I agree. Sure, sometimes the pacing is a bit gripeworthy, but even the stretches that are basically filler are decent. And when it was on, it was far more than enough to make up for any niggles. Wonderful story.

I'm surprised you like it though. When I saw your comment I expected you to be talking about how worthless the yuri weebs who like this kind of thing were.
Active member
May 21, 2018
I read the first three chapters and skipped to the last chapter and feel like I made the right choice. I can tell this was going to be a slog to read
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
It's a good thing people have the opportunity to read all of it at once.
Back then, by the time it finally ended, nobody really cared anymore.
Jan 27, 2018
Wrote a review on this, here it is:

This manga made me realize I'm a fan of yuri years and years ago. I think it drags for the end, but I otherwise think it's a solid series.
Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2018
The pacing is certainly easier to take when you can read it all at once. And it is very much worth it. When required, the manga can deliver some extraordinarily delicate emotions. Towards the end of volume 3, the character dynamics shifted beyond the initial premise, Kazama began to show her more complex sides, and the story truly bloomed.

The #UselessAdditions were always fun, too.
Jan 21, 2018
This was the first story I started looking for every month, after getting a bit into manga. It never seemed to drag for me, though it did get hard to keep track of the flashbacks and backtracks sometimes. I finally discovered there was an official translation, so it was the first one in my collection.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2019
The story's primary failing is its inconsistent pacing. At times it's a slog, chapter after chapter of nothing of note happening, then a rapid development that's cut short just before returning to a frustrating lack of action. It's honestly quite good in many respects but could have done with being much shorter.
Jul 26, 2019
Really odd pacing at times, would probably be a 10/10 if it was 35 chapters or so, or if they spent some more time on the actual relationship instead of speeding through their last year of school and college over the course of 5 pages or so. Admittedly I prefer love stories that don't conclude the moment they get to the starting line, so most of what is skipped over is what I actually want to see.

Still, even with a couple issues like that it touched my cold heart so I rate it a 9/10.
Group Leader
Dec 20, 2018
Although it takes a little too long to get through this one, I thought it was very worth it.
Oct 31, 2019
I read this and cried bc it took so damn long for them both to confess to eachother
Feb 3, 2020
Glad I read this one after it was completed. I might have ended up dropping it out of frustration with all the dragging out. Ended up liking it and bought the books anyway to support tha mangaka.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2020
the most drawn out romance manga ive ever fuckin read. Literally 31/53 chapters and nothing has happened. Literally nothing. The two MCS get constantly with bullshit drama and amazingly timed events
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
The main problem for most people is probably the pacing. For me... Even though it was sometimes unbearable, I got used to it. I think it's pretty nice of a Yuri focused on the characters.

Now... I have also the impression that people just wanted the principal relationship to evolve fast, without even understanding the character's main conflict.
Things like forgetting that for more than 1 or 2 years, Sumi was always reminded by Kazama that she wasn't her type and that Kazama herself was bullied and all alone without any parents to help her out except her brother. Both of them were scared of destroying the bond they created with each other.
Anyway, if you want to enjoy this peacefully, don't consider watching the comment section. I'm not kiding. Especially with one of the commenter who's just spewing nonsense, wanting everything to their way. Not the author's.
It was a long ride but I enjoyed 85% of it. Really worth it.
However, if you wanna skip some part, you totally can. You'll miss some infos but it isn't that big of a deal if you're that much involved in it. I didn't tho.

9/10 for me.
Aug 8, 2019
Chapter 25 pisses me off. The way the mangaka just ends Akemi like that is horrible. Up until then I was really appreciative of how they were handled, then it's all thrown randomly and quickly into the garbage, seemingly for some mild comic relief.
Jul 25, 2020
Sometimes I wonder if these mangakas ever fell in love and experienced actual relationships before getting old. It feels like they just check a list of stuff that needs to happen or copy each other. They all rely too much on the misunderstandigs tropes, the overused forced shutting down of their own feelings, and they spend tons of chapters on stuff that could be resolved in a 4m conversation etc etc etc. I never once saw irl someone not coming forward after learning that they both love each other btw, and I'm for sure very tired about the usual " what is love? Huur duur can I eat it ? Guuuuh. ". Lobotomy style feelings are tiring, people understand very well when they're in love. This title does some of these things too, but its problem is that their inner monologues and internal struggles are too much dragged out... a word salad of stuff that really doesn't feel like anything has been said. I found myself fastreading-skipping after a while without even realizing it....was boring. However, still cute and still worth the time. The ending also it's weird. It starts like a separation, but it hints of the opposite. Overall it's worth the time, but there's way better. After all, people like these stories for the fluff. You get none of it here basically. Just reactions accompanied but some basic short fluff. Out of 35 chapters I think you have something around 4 pages of actual fluff, if you want to be generous.

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