Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age - Vol. 4 Ch. 30.2 - The Princess Shrine Maidens Campaign (Part 2)

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
About being on the side of justice: Well, they broke the treaty, lied about how their "god" willed it and brought monsters (I kinda guess this is some kind of atrocity in that world) to archive their goal, control of the masses. I'm not sure if the MC side (king, kingdom) aren't pigs too, but the invading side is definitely not innocent.

It's a pity that many innocent enemy soldiers are going to die though, because of their believe in their cause. She should just teleport the highest echelons of the invading nation and their allies into the dungeons of her side and convince those armies to withdraw.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Correct me where I’m wrong, but as I remember it, the reason why the goblins or enemy country or whatever attacked is
because they were threatened by some dragon pups that wanted to play being conquerors. They do this ignoring the senile dragon elder warning them never to mess with humans. In the end, the two kids get mowed to death in a hail fire of bullets, leaving the chaperone dragon to run off, mourning the death of the little siblings he’d waited years to be born. Then, he becomes the new senile hermit dragon, warnings everyone to never mess with humans.
My memory is pretty bad, so correct me where I was off. All that really remains is the terrible impression this all left on me.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
Is worse,
they are mostly conscripted villagers, farmers and monsters

for something that you hate, your memory is good , but
only the chunny lil dragon is the mastermind, the sister is a bystander who only wanted to have fun with her older brothers
, sad, very sad.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Behind every cynic is a disappointed idealist. I read most of the author’s works. With anticipation, only to be disappointed. I wanna say Average was my favorite between Potion and 80kGP, but that one disappointed me when it was revealed her
“average” rating is actually somewhere along the lines of “half of the strongest being in existence”, not actually “half as strong as the strongest race’s average individual”...
Jan 29, 2018
>stupid teenaged flying lizard starts a war for his own amusement
>refuses peace talks cause he believes himself invincible
>proceeds to attack 'inferiors'
those 'kids' were bullies and I have no fucks to give
Active member
Oct 5, 2018
... and has been liscenced by J-Novel Club. So I guess we are gonna have to wait until we can continue reading the legal way.
Active member
Jun 17, 2018
What is the story does @Talismaster referring too?

Edit: Ah. Nevermind. As I continue reading, I know what he was talking about.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
I mean, i knkw they are mercenaries but aren't they all too accepting to her story...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
Yes, mitsuha.
just a single glance we know you're undeniably JUSTICE

@ Vasqueziton
That's not even her final forms.

She's arguably comparable a lvl
5 or even 6 teleporter in toaru verse. Negligible stamina cost, without need to direct touch, able to fine pick what and what not to teleport including cancer cells, virus, pathogen, etc. Teleport away 3 whole galleon without their sailor (of course their clothes got teleported away..), goes full accelerator by changing projectile trajectory. Last but not the least, teleporting between worlds
Just like other FUNA series, We need to turn off our brain to enjoy it.
level 6 teleporter

I see you didnt understand anything in index
A lv6 is basically a biblical god teleporting around might get you a high 4 at best
Theres a girl in index that has almost the exact same ability and shes a 4

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