Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

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Active member
Mar 26, 2018
no really why are you doing it if you can't afford it? for what reason?
edit: attacking? i'm asking why are you doing something you can't afford to do so?
edit2: @Dewourer so everything he said is irrelevant because he talked shit to the translator?
Feb 9, 2018
@Dewourer I didn't say their TL was shit I said the manga they choose to TL was shit. Big difference imo, it's just some light bants take it easy retard.
Active member
Mar 26, 2018
careful, because you flamed him literally everything else you say doesn't matter anymore cuz youre just an evil troll whose opinion doesn't matter. need to carefully construct your sentences
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

No need for those perfections of leveling. Also our translators are not garbage, you're being so aggressive by using foul words in order for you to have point. Those kind of attitude are the trash one, lucky we are that our community are not cancer ^^.
Active member
Mar 26, 2018
I'm sorry but saying that "it doesn't need to be perfect" while your English in your post kinda sucks seems a bit disingenious
Really though, why do you bother continuing this hobby if you can't afford it? Feel free to ignore him if you think he's a troll, I think from the start I've been asking straight, without any hostilities. Why are you continuing this hobby if you can't afford it?
Feb 9, 2018
@YoroShie what are you on about? What is perfections of leveling??? Can you read? I said your choice of manga was garbage nothing about your translators.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

I do admit that my English is bad it is because it's not my native language. I am actually not a translator or proofreader coz I know I am not capable on doing those task but hearing from other talking trash to my teammates also offends me. I am not gonna seat in here and read his comment.

I started joining scan because I wanted to help scan team and wanted to read my fave series faster but as I go on I realize scanlation is not a joke, it also cost you. I also join Patreon of my team just to help my team (even just a little) on some expenses. So if people think scan teams rely only on supports from community they are wrong coz we staffs also donate on our team monetarily, time and effort.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2018
time to go back to the days of using Baka-Updates for following releases i guess
Active member
Mar 26, 2018
it's fine, that's why there are different roles in a scans team, some are TLers, TSers, etc. i'm just wondering why your group is continuing this hobby if you can't afford it

maybe the answers are hidden within discord chatlogs that us plebs shouldn't be privy to
Active member
Mar 6, 2018
Sigh... Really? This is so fucking stupid.

Yet some people still wonder why some of us are embarrased to be associated with this glorious community of well adjusted adults. Am I just an old man at this point with my glorious mid 20's while everyone else bailed once they got out of puberty? That would explain a lot.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

Because I and we want to. If only possible, we actually need more dedicated staffs than donators.

Also, please reread my last message coz I edit it.
Apr 10, 2018
Maybe, but that would be pretty odd if true.
Fan scanlating, similarly to fan translating novels or writing fanfiction, should be nothing more than a hobby (seeing how it's pretty much 100% illegal if you made a profit from it - ie did it as a job - without permission).
And it should be pretty obvious that if you can't afford to do a hobby, then, well, that's that. Donations are nice, but they're neither something that should be expected, or something that is a right.
It shouldn't be a big deal to ask if someone can afford their hobby - we do it all the time for all sorts of other hobbies.
Feb 9, 2018
@YoroShie ok since English isn't your first language you might have misunderstood but you didn't answer my other question, have you guys not looked into methods of obtaining raws that groups have been doing for years now?
Jan 2, 2019

1) I’ll send the comment to you with context when I get a chance. Since it didn’t tag properly I’ll have to dig through this whole thread to find it again

2) I never mocked scanlation groups. I only said that the difference in views is because some expect money while others don’t. It’s not a matter of whether or not people want to support them (It’s their money, what they do with it is no one’s concern), it’s a matter of how entitled these guys are to it. It’s not exactly a secret that some of the groups that signed on were motivated by money, at the very least in part.

Edit: it doesn’t matter where we get our raws because we don’t *expect* to get reimbursed. It’s a hobby. We’re not in it for the money.
Double-page supporter
Feb 6, 2018
This is just bad for the community as a whole, only aggregators stand to win from this, as the normal readers who dont care about their source will switch to them rather than going through the trouble of checking so many sites for updates.
Also, its quite funny that JB is part of this, i once respected them as a group for doing fast releases, but now.... Considering we have a legal source for the series they are translating, even if that source is still pretty new and thus has to improve yet, and theres also the Tower of God stuff. And i cannot understand why Champion Scans joined this at all, they stand to lose a LOT of traffic.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

Don't get me wrong but your English on that 'misunderstood' message was bad.

TL = translation

So I assumed you were talking trash my teammate's translation quality. But anyway, if you're asking about our raws quality, my lead bought it on it's original site. It is better than the previous raws used by other team. Also if you think our Satanophany series is trash then keep it to yourself coz you're not the only manga reader, we do have readers who always look forward to it.
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