
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2019
Interesting choice for protagonists. Let's see how it'll play out for them. If you're here for the gore, then there's enough of both sides, and if you're here for the anime titties, it's there too.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2019
Is this the world of BF5?
Well look at this, women dying on the frontlines of WW2 while being "badasses". (Yeah sure, that one was forced as hell!)
I love my dooses of gore in the morning, hot daymn.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
@twgok13 Well this this is the right path: (background music for reading combat heavy chapters)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Bin auch nur wegen des Titels hier. Habe nie verstanden, was alle so faszinierend an deutschen Wörtern finden. Wahrscheinlich ist das der gleiche Effekt, der Lieder auf einer anderen Sprache, als der eigenen Muttersprache, so viel besser klingen läßt. Und ja, ich werde das hier nicht auf englisch übersetzen. Ist doch so viel fazinierender.

Hier noch eine Reihe von spannenden Titeln:
"Scharfschützen Eichhörnchen: Der Nussknacker"
"Ode an die Leberwurst"
"Strumpfhosen-Krieger Perversian"
May 29, 2019
Massive 1 score Review manga here 🙄

So .... is this manga almost-realistic depiction of WW2 from German Soldat POV ?

Came from GATE, it's kinda wish-fullfilment with plots (hey, Japan can't freely deploy their military) .... i hope this one isn't exactly the same.

If this one have same/simmiliar vibe to this one;
I'm willing to Cyka Blyat Rush B againts barrage of 1-score bullets
Jun 19, 2018
This author makes great depictions of WWII ground combat, there are a plethora of small Easter eggs that only people who really invested time in studying the history would know about. Unfortunately you need to look around some pretty bland storylines, Japanification, and just a really unappealing mc straight out of a harem manga. If you like WWII, this is a good read which is unfortunately not a large audience around here.

No other manga where you will see a character die due to blunt trauma damage from a design flaw in their tank, which is something straight outa WWII and not any other war-themed mangas...
Sep 9, 2018
My one complaint so far is seeing somebody write "load and lock".
That's backwards. Completely and utterly. " Lock and load" is the way to say it, and it just rolls off the tongue so nicely. In all my life of seeing movies and playing wargames, never has anyone ever said that backwards like that... And it makes me cringe far more than the gimmicky plot of a buncha nazi bitches going to war with no pants on.
Apr 20, 2020
As you might have noticed, that particular sentence was exactly like this in the raws, the bubble wasn't edited (well, I might have removed some furigana).
Since I think that it is obvious when the text in a bubble is from the raws I didn't even add a TL-note.
Because I'm aiming for a literal translation leaving the bubble as it is was the correct choice for me, even if it sounds retarded.

Also they're wearing pants, they're just skin colored (Yes, I know that it's stupid).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@lolikoki I think Band of Brothers (or maybe The Pacific) actually did use "load and lock", which is probably where the author got it from. It's true that the vernacular has been "lock and load" for some time now in almost all media.
Jan 24, 2018
Tank squad? They're clearly a platoon with 1 Assault Gun, 1 Heavy Tank and 1 PanzerGrenadier squad on Halftrack.
May 15, 2020
So... Just found this manga... I mean... I'm okay with freedom of speech. And if people like this manga well good for them. But for me, portraying SS like nice people is a big no. I'm french and I love WW2 history and I can say that the SS where fanatic at best and monster who only wanted to exterminate all inferior race at worse (Check Oradour-Sur-Glane if you want to see what the SS loved to do with "resistance").

But I guess that if you like guuro, WW2 battle (That are quite good I must admit) it's still a good manga, just don't think too much about the story.
May 15, 2020
Well, his comment is right. I don't need to debunk it. The SS had foreign volunteer in their rank. For Exemple, the SS Charlemagne was a French SS division. Another example is the SS division Das Reich, some french were in fact in this division and participed in the massacre of Oradour-Sur-Glane.
So no, even with their "Purity of race" they needed to recruit volunteer from other country to compensate the loss during the war, and because it was good for the propaganda, the german Reich could tell "See, we accept your people because we're not the monster we're depicted as".
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
Wouldn't they have just recruited more German men? Hitler gave the Japanese Honorary Aryan status so I don't see how the Reich is racially supremacist, ethnically, yes but even the KKK worked with Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X was a friend of George Lincoln Rockwell. Was someone in your family murdered in Oradour-Sur-Glane? The propaganda line seems communist to me.

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