Damn, this one hit home. I had a tough graduation from graduate school and was left looking for a job. I kept looking and looking with no luck.
The whole time I was feeling more and more depressed. I had 132 rejections total and I was struggling to keep my spirits up. I kept telling people that I had enough of university and was excited to work.
Instead of encouragement all I kept getting was “aww man, you won’t say that once you get out into the real world.”
I ran a lawn mowing service in high-school, I worked at an anhydrous ammonia plant for an internship, I worked with a general contractor as a tiler between colleges, and I worked my way through engineering graduate school as a grader, lab instructor, teacher’s assistant, and research assistant. And these idiots kept acting like I was a job virgin laying about.
It pissed me off to no end till I started responding pretty harshly back. I talked it over with my parents and we had to sit down for a good 2-3 hours to align on things. After that they helped deflect or counter the comments which helped a ton.
Now I work for a household name tech company in what is considered a very tough role and absolutely love it. Way WAY better than school.