School Back - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - Worries

Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
In my country we have a saying that goes something like this: "The bridge is long the same both ways", usually used when someone says they haven't heard from you in a while. It means that he may have not contacted her, but she hasn't contacted him either.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
It's good writing that the problem isn't necessarily neatly solved, MC just helps students deal better with their issues.

And it mostly avoids black and white stuff, outside of stuff like molester arc. For example, in this chapter the gals' group wasn't painted as cartoonishly evil. The tallest girl was being a bitch during conversation, but others called her out on it, and, probably because I'm not a fan of moral police students in manga, I don't dislike her much - who cares about sitting on tables, and it feels to me that the previous issue with Kouga could be caused by something minor as well. And we don't even know what happened with Jun-Jun, and if it really had to do with school at all.
That's it. That's why I love this manga so much. The issues aren't magically solved like other manga in the same vein. Fushimi just try her best to help. The rest is up to the students. The lack of closure feels so unsatisfying but real
Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2020
I feel like this is maybe the weakest chapter in the entire series. It was like 10 pages worth of content stretched out to 5x that by just repeating everything over and over with no elaboration on anything. The issues with the focus character aren't really elaborated on, nothing with the teacher is elaborated on. I know that not everything is going to be spelled out and solved but I can't help but compare it to something like Tasogare Memorandum which always felt like it managed to tell a complete story in each chapter despite only giving you bits and pieces of what's going on.

This series kind of lives and dies on whether the central issue/character of a chapter is engaging and this and the last chapter were just kind of flat.
I don't fully agree with you when it comes to School Back, but thanks for mentioning Tasogare Memorandum, it's a great and heartful manga that I've learned about thanks to you.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Wild that we really didn’t get to know at all why her “friends” are skipping. But then again, she never tried calling them it seems, weird jp bs culture at its peak…
Aug 2, 2024
Thank you so much for the translation ! This chapter undoubtly resonate with many readers.
Aug 2, 2024
Anyone have bought the digital official manga of school back before ? May I ask which website among the ones listed in mangadex is the best/most convenient for a foreigner to buy ?
I love this series so much. I want to support the author
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
I don’t know if I’m thinking all of this because the older I get, and the further I get with my plans of becoming a professor*, the more I relate to the teacher’s side compared to when I was a teen, but here’s my take:

The teacher isn’t 100% at fault. I’d argue that it’s something beyond her control if we did see the whole picture when it comes to her intervention. She didn’t seem to treat the bullied side unfairly, like scolding them when it clearly wasn’t their fault, she just tried to de-escalate a fight.
And yes, there are many “styles” of how you deal with students’ issues (be it their bad behaviour or relations with peers) — the stern, who goes by the “respect through fear” motto, and may sometimes blame all the parties equally, the dismissive “it’s not my problem”, and the mediator, which is much trickier than the other two, since specially in situations in which it’s not something too harsh going on (physical/verbal abuse, for example) you can’t just get between them screaming saying everyone’s at fault.
You’d probably single out the ones causing the problem (the bullies) and talk to them about how their actions are wrong, not in an overly confrontational tone to avoid further issues with them (or their parents, since sometimes their child can do no wrong).
That is if it’s the first time an incident happens. And by the way it goes, it was more of the tall girl being somewhat of a bitch than something too extreme. However, until we get the full story, we may not know. And that’s the thing: the teacher probably doesn’t know how deep it goes either if the students don’t open up to them (or to others, like counsellors, who may convince them to not avoid the situation). It could not be deep at all, of course.

But oh well, the chapter’s MC didn’t really have the time to put that into perspective. And I do get where she’s coming from because I had this “the world is against me” mindset as a teen, due to a lot of bullying when I was younger.

Back at my middle school, the staff’s posture was “everyone’s at fault” to the point that when a 13 yo girl BIT my friend’s arm and he fought back to make her stop, he got suspended. They didn’t treat it seriously enough, which lead to her biting someone again — ME, who didn’t do anything because I feared getting the same fate as my friend. I hid it from my parents after I got home until my mom saw my arm and dragged me to school to talk to the psychologist/counsellor about this, that the girl did it YET AGAIN.
So yeah, I’ve seen school staff deal with stuff in a shitty way so I feel confident enough in my opinion that the teacher is not the villain at all.

*I ain’t that old, by the way. Just getting into Grad School, don’t have experience dealing with students head on but have been a TA long enough to see a bit more through the teacher’s perspective. Don’t even know if it’ll work out… But my experiences at college got me thinking about how delicate it can be if you care enough.
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
Not to garner sympathy, but I'm that kid that nobody messages outside of schoolwork. Of course I have different groups of friends, and I'm closer in some than others, but sometimes I just feel like it'd be nice for my university friends to hit me up and ask me to hang out once in a while. I always reply to messages as fast as I can, but people reply to my messages very slowly (about half a day) and I believe it's because they've got their hands full at the moment (at least I want to). I'm also the guy that sends the last message in a group chat before a new topic comes around.

I am a working adult now and I keep my colleagues at arm's length, but a lot of times I feel like even my genuine friends don't want to meet up with me as much as I do. And that thought is especially scary since we've been friends for more than 12 years.

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