Search for END tags :rejected:

May 2, 2018
It would be convenient if we could search for series that have complete scanlations, as the publication status doesn't help that much in that regard when most of the series have only a few chapters translated/have inactive scanlators and you're looking for a finished series to read through.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
The presence of an END tag does not guarantee that a series has been completely scanlated and uploaded to MangaDex. For example, there is at least one party that gets its jollies by posting conclusions well in advance of the provision of chapters leading to those conclusions.

It would be possible to have administrators certify that a series had been completely scanlated and uploaded, but that is not presently done, and the administrators might not be keen on the added responsibility.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Bluydee Also to note, like.. you see those translated chapters right?

Now imagine if the scanlator that are translating that series to its END decided to take a rather awful move like.. pulling out their translation from MD.
With that the tag then will become rather incorrect, as there is no END chapter to displayed.

Example of this:
May 2, 2018
@Oeconomist There’s a missing section whenever a series has a jump in scanlated chapters. I don’t know whether it’s automated or manually updated, but either way I think that shows how it can be verified if a series is actually fully scanlated.

@ABCsOfLife I don’t really understand what you mean. If a series doesn’t have an END tag, then obviously it wouldn’t show up if you searched for it. In your own example there are no chapters for that series, which means there isn’t a complete scanlation for it on this site and the END tag was removed.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
There’s a missing section whenever a series has a jump in scanlated chapters.
It is not as easy as you imagine to identify that missing section. Some chapters are published in pieces, conventionally noted here with form "c.n" where "c" is a chapter number and "n" is a part number, eg "16.3". In other cases, chapters are published whole, but scanlated in parts, with the parts again identified with form "c.n". It is not easy to determine how many parts a chapter had or will have. Further, extra materials following a chapter will be labelled with the very same form "c.n". (And sometimes the final chapter, tagged with "END" is followed by extra material, which might even be epilogic.) Sometimes, one group has uploading chapters whole while another has uploaded them in parts for the same series, or a group has uploaded both partial chapters and extra material, identifying uploads of both sorts with labels of form "c.n".
I don’t know whether it’s automated or manually updated, but either way I think that shows how it can be verified if a series is actually fully scanlated.
Write the code that can do this well. I promise you that I'll be very impressed.

@ABCsOfLife seems to have been imagining a new title tag, whereäs @Bluydee has been imagining making a use of a tag on the final chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Oeconomist Ah yes, I think that's what I meant.

@Bluydee So to be clear you don't meant this kinds of tags when you go in search?

Then okay, if so would it not be like it's own seperate thing when you go search for it if it's not became one of the title tags then?
May 2, 2018
Having searched through the forum for this idea before and finding threads where this has been suggested previously, I’ve seen it be rejected for the manpower it would take to manually flag a completed scanlation for each language, but is it possible to link it to the END tags on finished manga and the automated missing detector? I don’t know how the site works, so I don’t know whether what I suggested is feasible or not. It’s true that the missing section doesn’t detect when chapters are broken up in parts, but that itself I don’t see as a really big problem that would derail the idea. If not them in conjunction, then would it be possible to search for the END tag alone? Then the reader can use their own judgement for when chapters are missing (as denoted by the missing section).

@Oeconomist I don’t know why you’re trying to act so condescending about an internet suggestion. Yes, I understand what a “.” means, or that omakes exist, seeing as I use this site and have read manga for a long time. I appreciate the pointless snark at the end, by the way. Obviously, as just a mere member, I don’t know how the administrators have written the site, so asking this adds nothing to the conversation and only serves to be a bit petty.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

No one was expecting you to know the specifics of how the site was coded. The problem that I explained is independent of that. Read what I actually wrote; and, instead if thinking “I'm sure that a programmer could do that” or “I guess that a programmer could do that”, try to write some code, in the language of your choice, that can do that. If you can figure-out how to do that much, it can be adapted to various tasks in various languages. If it's all beyond you, don't fling insults at people for expecting you to understand in general, logical terms, what you have been asking of people.
May 2, 2018
@Oeconomist It's not "flinging insults" to call you condescending and rude, when that is what you are being. You decided to come and act like I was a moron, completely out of left field, when I told you about a feature the site already has, and you continue to do so by acting as if I am incapable of "understanding in general, logical terms" what my suggestion is. At this point, I have zero clue what you are trying to argue about. If it's saying that I can't give a suggestion without knowing completely how it could be implemented into the site then that is completely inane. There's completely no connection between whatever jank ass javascript program I could write and how it could be coded into the site, because I don't have any idea how the site's search engine has been coded nor how the missing and END tags are stored on the pages, and, without knowing that, then anything I could come up with wouldn't translate over at all. But supposing if I could see the inner workings of the site, it wouldn't matter anyway, because when someone gives a suggestion the onus is not on the person who gives the suggestion to figure out, from the outside looking in, the exact way it could be implemented into whatever it is they're suggesting, but on the people taking the suggestion who figure out whether or not they can actually use the suggestion. I've given my suggestion, and ways I think it could possibly work from the outside looking in, and that's all I need to do. You seem to completely miss the point of what suggestions are.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

You made a suggestion. I concisely explained what was wrong with it. Instead of recognizing the problem, you blithely responded. I didn't simply declare you to be mistaken (which wouldn't have been helpful), but explained what was wrong with your argument and with your blitheness. Instead of just accepting that you were perfectly wrong, you've subsequently taken umbrage at having been shown that you were perfectly wrong, as if I was supposed to sugar-coat it.
There's completely no connection between whatever jank ass javascript program I could write and how it could be coded into the site, because I don't have any idea how the site's search engine has been coded nor how the missing and END tags are stored on the pages, and, without knowing that, then anything I could come up with wouldn't translate over at all.
You are again perfectly wrong, and I am again not going to sugar-coat that point. The relevant programming problem is one of identifying what the complete set of chapters are, given how uploads are identified. If they were all simply identified with integers, then the matter would be trivial; instead they are identified as I described (and as you later declared you already knew). You don't need to know anything about the coding of the site to recognize the problem. You're effectively hoping that there might be some magic in the code so that, as chapters are uploaded, the site somehow knows whether there are lacunæ.
You seem to completely miss the point of what suggestions are.
No. You just didn't, don't, and won't handle it well when someone explained/explains why your suggestion was ill-considered.
May 2, 2018
@Oeconomist It's clear to me that the only thing you are interested in here (or any of the threads you have posted in in the Suggestions forum) is stoking your ego and "proving" you are smarter than other people, and that there is nothing to be had talking to you. Consistently, you add nothing of value to the conversation and talk as pretentiously as possible. If you bothered reading anything I've wrote, you'd notice I actually considered what you said about missing chapters. You even acknowledged it in your own post, yet still felt the need to write out everything about how you think you are right, disregarding it entirely. Rather than raise any of these points like a real human being, you decided to argue about semantics before declaring me "perfectly wrong" and hitting me with the "no u" argument. Please don't respond to me any further.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

You're not entitled to making a drive-by attack. If you don't want a response from me, then don't write to me in the first place.

In this latest case, you begin by declaring
It's clear to me that the only thing you are interested in here (or any of the threads you have posted in in the Suggestions forum) is stoking your ego and "proving" you are smarter than other people, and that there is nothing to be had talking to you.
Well, let's look at my first comment to the thread and try to find where there's some peculiar expression of ego.
If you bothered reading anything I've wrote, you'd notice I actually considered what you said about missing chapters. You even acknowledged it in your own post, yet still felt the need to write out everything about how you think you are right, disregarding it entirely.
Considering a point and getting it wrong is quite different from considering it and getting it right. When I carefully explained what you'd got wrong, it became a matter of ego in your mind exactly because your ego felt wounded. Thereafter, you implicitly backed away from the presumption that there were a practical and reliable way for the software to identify gaps; but, in your responses to me, you persisted in mischaracterizing what were required to recognize that such a problem existed.
hitting me with the "no u" argument
A “no, you” argument is characterized by bald insistence. So let someone look at the discussion to find where I made bald claims without substantiation, and let that someone look for where you provided substantiation for your insults.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
Replied to the same topic here

Also giving people ITT a reminder of the pinned off-topic warning thread.

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