Seijo wa Tokku ni Shoukansareteiru. Nihon ni. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Natsukawa Rei

Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Yeah, I'd love if we could get more Japanese > Spanish > MTL English translations cause people think they could do a better job.
We've already seen a bunch of times where series continually get worst because someone starts doing MTL instead of waiting for someone to make a proper translation. If you think people putting in time means they shouldn't be criticized then you should really rethink that. This really just needs someone who has a decent grasp of English to actually proofread it.

In the vast ocean of manga, who is going to stumble across any one in particular manga and have the urge to translate it? Very very low. I have physical manga in my collection that "look" interesting, but there is literally no one I can find who wants to take up that task of actually translating it. (I would but I don't speak/write japanese. Even IF I took up the task of using machine translations, I just don't have any spare time on my hands for it)

What's the odds of people engaging with it once it hits the "newly updated manga" on this website? The odds skyrocket.

In that case, I don't mind if there are grammatical/translation errors. The fact it is there, TRANSLATED and ready to gage interest is most important. If another group decides to pick it up and run with it, that's their choice and I would call it a bonus.

So, this is why I said what I said. You guys are reading manga for free. This person went the extra mile to bring you something they thought looked interesting. You want it be better, YOU guys need to help out. Stop being spiteful entitled children and pick up series that need attention.

If you think people putting in time means they shouldn't be criticized then you should really rethink that.
This is a strawman of what I said. I never said they shouldn't be criticized for their translation quality. Stop being a gigantic moron.
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Active member
Mar 24, 2019
Yeah, I'd love if we could get more Japanese > Spanish > MTL English translations cause people think they could do a better job.
We've already seen a bunch of times where series continually get worst because someone starts doing MTL instead of waiting for someone to make a proper translation. If you think people putting in time means they shouldn't be criticized then you should really rethink that. This really just needs someone who has a decent grasp of English to actually proofread it.
I think my translate pretty accurate enough even with some error on grammar and might mistype sometime, well no idea why someone got piss when it free lol
luckily there nice ppl who try to help correct it, compare to those MTL with perfect english... I don't know
there might be some fan of some group that scare to lose profit if many new translator show up?
I saw some group that demand like... if you not pay up to XX$ I will not translate it for you lol
Active member
Mar 24, 2019
In the vast ocean of manga, who is going to stumble across any one in particular manga and have the urge to translate it? Very very low. I have physical manga in my collection that "look" interesting, but there is literally no one I can find who wants to take up that task of actually translating it. (I would but I don't speak/write japanese. Even IF I took up the task of using machine translations, I just don't have any spare time on my hands for it)

What's the odds of people engaging with it once it hits the "newly updated manga" on this website? The odds skyrocket.

In that case, I don't mind if there are grammatical/translation errors. The fact it is there, TRANSLATED and ready to gage interest is most important. If another group decides to pick it up and run with it, that's their choice and I would call it a bonus.

So, this is why I said what I said. You guys are reading manga for free. This person went the extra mile to bring you something they thought looked interesting. You want it be better, YOU guys need to help out. Stop being spiteful entitled children and pick up series that need attention.

This is a strawman of what I said. I never said they shouldn't be criticized for their translation quality. Stop being a gigantic moron.
thx for always positive comment, I think some people just wanna act high and mighty because some kind of Inferiority complex.
I don't mind them at all. I don't mind if someone wanna redo it also, this manga totally belong to original artist anyway
Feb 9, 2019
yup I agreed, and It make me curious, how much they made each month since lot of ppl could live with it.
I fully know I will got citicized because some ppl will demand high quality same levels of official.
personally i feel like if official 100 scores, unofficial version should be fine as long as ppl understand story?
but lot of ppl got trolled just because they didn't reach those expectation and quit
at first i thought one chapter not going to take more than 1 hour but it took more time than expect
make me wonder it really unacceptable to amateur job?
oh I found it exciting to get hater anyway
so everyone should group up and make HQ then demand high pay?
actually I wanna try this long ago just feel like to do it now
sure there ppl that bad at it and done pretty bad job. respect their effort anyway lol
I'm not going to open dictionary check everything one by one since it troublesome
yeah idk why some people are salty when its readable lol,
they should just do scanlation by themselves if they want their ideal quality
very thanks
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
The absolute spite and entitlement I'm reading in these comments. Holy hell. You guys are reading manga for free. You want to do a better job? Do it yourself and piss off.
It doesn't matter if it's free. I'd imagine you'd complain if you went to a restaurant that served you uncooked food?

"It's on the house so stop complaining." - the head chef

You are the chef in this instance using the weak argument of "if you all are so smart, then do it yourselves" to deflect legitimate criticism of the TL's work.

This kind of excuse makes the TL look worse given that there are other translators here who do a better job (in spite of some having middling English proficiency) and for free as well. So it makes one wonder what's the TL's excuse?

EDIT: OK perhaps that isn't what you said exactly, but the excuse certainly implies it. And I'm sure this can benefit from more hands on deck. Still, it's not "spiteful" or "entitled" to not settle for something less, even if it's for free. We're holding the TL to the same standards as other 1-man groups across Mangadex.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
It doesn't matter if it's free. I'd imagine you'd complain if you went to a restaurant that served you uncooked food?

"It's on the house so stop complaining." - the head chef

You are the chef in this instance using the weak argument of "if you all are so smart, then do it yourselves" to deflect legitimate criticism of the TL's work.

This kind of excuse makes the TL look worse given that there are other translators here who do a better job (in spite of some having a middling English proficiency) and for free as well. So it makes one wonder what's the TL's excuse?
Absolute strawman of my argument. I never said the translator is free from criticism in that regard. Critique away.

My issue, as stated above, I want to be exposed to new work. The mere fact it has more eyes on it now, may have more seasoned groups wanting to jump on and translate it.

This is akin to a chef making you a meal NEVER prepared in your audience and it's presentation is far from perfect. And your reaction is to march into the kitchen and scream at the chef and say "I'd rather I'd never eat this at all if it looks like this. I only want it made from Gordon F**king Ramsey". It's not inedible, buddy. It's tad messy. I'm sorry your peas and carrots are touching, you spiteful entitled child. AND YES YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A SPITEFUL ENTITLED CHILD.

Why are people here so f**king stupid? I never said the less then stellar presentation was a shield. I said that exposure was more important. I can tell the attempt was sincere and yet people will squeal like stuck pigs as if they were served a cockroach. You weren't.

You want something done? Help out. Offer translation tips, as some others are here. Or maybe find another group who is interested in taking over. Stop acting like any attempt like this should not exist period.

Or then again, maybe all of this will just fly over your head.

->Ignores context of original post
->jumps into dogpiling
->Accuses me of handwaving poor translation work when original argument are against people effectively throwing the baby out with the dishwater
->Continues to assumes my motives
->Acts like a spiteful child and throws the "I'm the bigger more mature person"
->Jumps back and acts like as if they weren't part of said dogpile and proceeds to gaslight as if I'm bad guy.
Absolute F'ing KEK
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Absolute strawman of my argument. I never said the translator is free from criticism in that regard. Critique away.

My issue, as stated above, I want to be exposed to new work. The mere fact it has more eyes on it now, may have more seasoned groups wanting to jump on and translate it.

This is akin to a chef making you a meal NEVER prepared in your audience and it's presentation is far from perfect. And your reaction is to march into the kitchen and scream at the chef and say "I'd rather I'd never eat this at all if it looks like this. I only want it made from Gordon F**king Ramsey". It's not inedible, buddy. It's tad messy. I'm sorry your peas and carrots are touching, you spiteful entitled child. AND YES YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A SPITEFUL ENTITLED CHILD.

Why are people here so f**king stupid? I never said the less then stellar presentation was a shield. I said that exposure was more important. I can tell the attempt was sincere and yet people will squeal like stuck pigs as if they were served a cockroach. You weren't.

You want something done? Help out. Offer translation tips, as some others are here. Or maybe find another group who is interested in taking over. Stop acting like any attempt like this should not exist period.

Or then again, maybe all of this will just fly over your head.
Would you calm down. Telling people they're acting like children when this is how you reply to others. Very mature I'm sure.

And did you even catch my edit? I know you didn't explicitly say that, but what you did say can certainly imply it. You're also making a "strawman argument" aren't you? I never said "attempts like this should not exist period." I said we shouldn't settle for less just because something is free.

Also you blew my entire example way out of proportion. It pertained to what you actually said not the issue you have.

But agree to disagree I guess. Maybe I just have slightly higher standards for quality than you do. The TL's work is ok but when you compare it to the work of other 1-man groups on Mangadex it leaves much to be desired.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Sorry to burst your bubble but you're nowhere near a level to accept commission or expect donations in any substantial amount, if any at all.
You do have some cleaning and redrawing, but only on a surface level and it looks rather shoddy. Typesetting is a bit questionable but not the most offensive work I have seen. The bigger issue is your translation. I do believe you have knowledge of the language and this is not MTL, but your scripts are in dire need of proofreading. Your punctuation usage is all over the place, your grammar is bad, to put it in simple terms. TL footnote every 2 pages is never a good idea. If you need that many tl notes, consider rewording your translation so that you need fewer, or ideally, no notes at all.
It's probably not wrong to want some money when you do scanlation (though do keep in mind the majority do it for free because it's a passion project), but it's naive to expect money with just your first upload, and with subpar quality to boot.
oi, don't break character

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