Seinaru Otome to Himegoto wo - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - It's White And Sweet

Dec 26, 2020
I comment as i read the chapters:
Honoring =/ Keeping Chastity
Honoring is losing your chastity/virginity to a person you love and living your life with that person as a wife. Its basically Marriage
Keeping chastity is remaining celibate avoiding sexual acts(but in this one i think its only losing virginity)
The goddess might be asking them to actually make love with the guy once they had enough experience.
The goddess herself probably can't produce children on her own so during the time she was still a candidate she got the SEED required for her to be the goddess for one thousand years and she would need the candidates to do the same but letting them realize it themselves.
Even as a goddess i don't think she has the power to birth children on her own otherwise her children would just be her clones, unless she could which we need more chapters to know.

That's more or less my theory. Canidates need to fall in love with the MC in order to have a chance to become the next goddess. About the children part: it will get addressed once MC meets Rose's mother.

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